XXXVII - The Comms Tower

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Six people would be accompanying Mara on her mission to the Imperial comms tower: Strata, Tieran, Wynora, Alek, Denit, and Delta. 

Strata and Tiernan had been the first volunteers, not to anyone's surprise. But they were good choices, nonetheless. Tiernan knew the terrain, and Mara didn't have any hesitation in trusting Strata with something dangerous. 

Wynora and Alek would also be coming. Wynora, Mara had learned, was once an Imperial cadet--prior to some kind of accident, one that left her with her cybernetic replacements. She would know how the soldiers at the comms tower operated. Even more importantly, she could use her cybernetics to splice into the comm tower and open a secure channel for them to send transmissions through. 

If she was honest, she didn't think Alek needed to be there--in fact, she had tried to go against it, arguing that she didn't want to lead too big of a team into danger--but Alek had insisted. If Wynora was going, than he would be, too. Wynora had sided with him, too, of course. Tiernan had been right by mentioning the two were a package deal. 

Denit joined, too, summoned by the simple use of the word 'explosives,' by Mara when she had been going over her plan with the others. 

At the last minute, Delta joined them. Mara wouldn't complain about that one--not to his face, at least. Dusty and Lorelei had probably asked him to watch their son, and a clone veteran wasn't a bad asset to have on a mission like this. 

Six people. Six people with homes, families, and lives outside this Rebellion. 

Six people Mara had to ensure got home safe. 

"We're about two klicks out," Tiernan alerted them, a tracker in hand. "Keep sharp. Patrols have been circling this area."

"Yeah." Strata hopped over a mossy log to give Mara a nudge in the ribs. "But our resident Jedi will warn us of any incoming patrols--right, Nevaeh?"

"Yes." She said so without any hesitation. Since her talk with Tiernan in Delta's house, her new senses hadn't become any less overwhelming. Nothing had caused it to lessen, but at least she knew that she could warn them of any danger that was coming before they saw it. 


The comms tower rose into view without any disruptions: a white spire splitting upwards through the lush greenery. Mara dropped into a crouch near the tree line, the others filing in around her. Strata knelt on Mara's left, wordlessly handing her a pair of macrobinoculars. 

Mara peered through them. She had sent a few scouts out last night for some light reconnaissance, but it was best to confirm what they already saw. The tower wasn't heavily guarded. A handful of Imps marched about within the wire fence. This tower had obviously been erected in a hurry; it was still relatively new and unenforced. That would make this mission possible, at the very least. 

Mara fished through her bag, carefully pulling out three pairs of detonators. "Denit, Delta, Strata," she listed off, handing each of them two sets of explosives. "We need to draw out what forces they do have. You'll each be in charge of two rounds of detonations. Draw them away from the tower, and into the forest." She looked between them. "One of you will need to set two of these off at the south end of the perimeter."

"I'll do it," Strata said. 

Mara nodded. "Then Denit, you'll set off the second round, about a half-klick back. Delta, you take the last round. All of you should wait a few minutes between each detonation, to draw out as many troopers as you can." With the next instruction, she paused, giving Denit and Strata a pointed look. "Do not engage with any of the stormtroopers. As soon as you set off your detonators, circle back here and wait for the rest of us."

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