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Louis' pov:

I steal one last glance at Harry before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me, locking it.

I take a moment to breathe before I walk over tot the showers and to lurk on the water. I strip from my clothes, not even taking a glance in the mirror before stepping underneath the hot spray.

I'm glad I was able to take a shower, needing a chance to think over the days past happenings so far.

I can explain why I reacted the way I did to the testing the alpha doctor wanted to do on me. I've never had good experiences at hospitals, especially interactions with doctors. Hence why I freaked out when they were gonna do testing on me.

I don't know how or why I went into omega space and it's actually surprising that I felt safe enough to drop. I can't help the attraction I feel towards Harry, though. Even more so when I found out that he didn't take advantage of me and actually helped me.

I realize that i've been standing in the shower for a while now and quickly wash my hair and body before turning off the water, grabbing the towel to wrap around myself, and stepping out of the shower.

I realize I don't have a pair of new clothes so I settle for what I was wearing before. After changing, I ruffle my hair with the towel and walks out the door.

The first thing I notice is a very handsome Harry, sitting on the edge of the bed, typing on his phone. Harry must've sensed me, because his head snaps up and his eyes instantly land on me.

"How was your shower?" Harry asks me, eyes raking over my body, making me curl inward on myself.

"Warm and refreshing, thank you." I says shyly, looking down at my bare feet.

"Are those the clothes you were wearing before? I can ask Niall if you can borrow some of his clothes. He's an omega as well and is roughly your size, I can go ask him now. Wait here." And before I could get a word out, Harry leaves the room.

I settle for just sitting on the bed. I begin to take a good look at the room I'm in, and realize that it's much larger than I thought it was.

Hard wood floors sores throughout the whole room, while the large king size bed sits right in the middle. A television air on the fireplace in front of the bed. A large widow is off to the side with a seat in front of it, a soft blanket laying on top. The closet and bathroom doors are off on the other side along with the huge double doors to get inside the bedroom.

I then notice my backpack sitting on the ground next to the entry doors, and I immediately get up and rush to it, hoping everything is still inside.

Although it only hold a few things, they are essential to me, and is all I have left.

First, I have a map, labeling all the boundary lines and packs that litter all of Europe. The boundaries must've changed though, if I was on The Styles Pack territory although my map said otherwise.

Next, I have a picture of my mum. She was the only person in my life who actually loved me and cared for me, and I miss her like crazy.

I have an old ragged blanket, stuffed inside as well. I've had this blanket since I was little, and has comforted me through some of the hardest times in my life. I bring it up to my face, burrowing my nose into it, reveling in the comforting scent.

Lastly, I have my glasses that I use to read sometimes, being my eyes aren't horrible but they do come in handy sometimes.

It's not the most important stuff, but it's gotten me through the last couple months, and I just hope it can get me through the rest until I find a stable place to live.

I don't plan on overstaying my visit at The Styles Pack, and would rather leave soon before getting kicked out and embarrassing myself in front of the whole pack.

I grab my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder, heading towards the door to exit the room. As soon as I open the door, I'm met with a hard chest, causing me to stop in my path.

"Where do you think you're going?"



hope the chapter is good!

♡ ♡ ♡

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