A New Threat

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Harry POV

I swear we've all been waiting for Ben for like thirty minutes, I checked my pocket watch to see only ten minutes had actually passed. I swear time moves differently on the Isle, something just makes everything move dreadfully slow. He finally came down the stairs, but he wasn't happy I could tell you that from looking at him for a mere glance. I sighed as I already knew, Mal wasn't coming back was she?

"So? Wheres Mal?"

Evie whispered with hope in her tone, well I hope she's prepared for that to be shot down,

"She's not coming back"

Ben muttered in the most monotone voice I've ever heard from him, and he's the most talkative cheery guy I know next to Gil,

"What? I'll talk to her"

Evie said in disbelief before marching to their speaker intercom thingy and trying to plead Mal into letting Evie in to talk, but even I could hear the angry yelling and I wasn't even near the thing,

"Go away!"

Mal shouted. I slowly shook my head and did a quick visual search, hold on...

"Let's give her a couple hours to cool off"

Jay said to Evie, but I couldn't care less. I stopped leaning against the wall and walked around some and looked around,


Carlos said, he picked up on it too,

"Where on earth is Ben?"

I announced as Carlos and I looked down the alley we swore we watched him walk into, nowhere to be seen. Evie and Jay jogged over to us and looked down it too,


Evie muttered with worry now, we saw as two figures became visible through the dense smoke and fog,

"Ben! Don't scare us like that"

Evie said with relief, I shook my head. Ben doesn't have those arms I can tell you that, not to mention he wouldn't be walking with someone he didn't know, or at least I hope he wouldn't,

"Don't scare you? Oh, come on now princess you didn't really think he was Ben did you?

A far too familiar voice called out, from the fog came Gil and nonother than,


I muttered. The two figures came forward, Gil was standing there with a proud smile as always but Uma just looked sinister,

"What did you do with Ben?"

Jay said in a hurry, even though they were talking Uma and I were just staring at each other. She looked a little unsure, confused if anything while I kept my gaze cold,

"How does it feel being a traitor?"

She suddenly spat out, I chuckled and smirked some, not letting my eyes drift anywhere else as this was a silent battle,

"Feels better than being pushed around by yer authority"

I really haven't lost my touch have I? Gods even I'm proud of that, my witty remarks and comebacks have gotten so much better as Brielle uses them all the time. She was taken aback, not exactly prepared for such a beautifully flawless comeback,

"Whatever, oh and we took him. If any of you ever want to see him again get Mal to come to the Chip Shop tonight, alone..."

She scanned the group, but my gaze didn't move one bit as I glared at my once closest friend turned enemy. Uma looked back to me and a smirk reappeared,

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