chapter 3-can this be??

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It feels like we've been on the road for ages but its only been 2 months.....I looked over at Ash he was fast asleep on the bed he was so cute when he sleeps....then I looked at Andy and Portia haha so cute just laying there together I'm glad they have each other maybe its good for her to have someone....I laughed to my self trying not to wake Ash it didn't work so well...

"Babe what are you doing up come back to bed" Ash said grabing my arm softly....

"Ill be there in a second I was just thinking about stuff"I answered pushing his hair out of his face.I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom.I think I was just feeling like I was suffocated being in the bus all this time and never getting a break and I know Ash must think I'm pulling away but I'm not I love him so much and could never do that I just need some air maybe ill ask if Portia and I can walk around Orlando for a few. I realized how long I was in the bathroom I came out and crawled back into bed and cuddled up to Ash he put his arm around me and sleep finally took me.


"Hey babe can Portia and I walk around Orlando and get some air please?"

"Ofcourse babe anything you want we will be at the stage practicing if you need us"Ash said giving me a kiss before we left. Andy gave Portia a short kiss and as she turned away had the desire to hit her ass wow Portia laughed and hit his arm I had to pull them apart and leave we all said our goodbyes and Portia and I were on our way.

"Is everything okay with you and Ash you've been really distant with him?"Portia said

" yeah I just feel so Suffocated so that's what todays for to get out get some air"I answered with a smile " see I get air and we get to go shopping and to Orlando"I explained we both laughed.....we stopped the cab at Victoria's secret because we needed new bras.

Wow I looked around at al the beautiful stuff expecially the ligerie.Portia found a cute leopard one and I found a cute see through black one with a red thong I mean why not. We bought more bras and underwear and left and called the cab again and went to Orlando.

"Do you think that Andy and I are gonna be together a long time?" She asked looking at me as we stood infringe of the gates of universal.

"Yeah I do I mean its clear you guys love each other and sex must be good everyone hears you guys from outside so yeah I do....why?"

"Haha yeah it is and I don't know I mean you and Ash love each other so much and its clear you guys wont break up but I just wonder if Andy doesn't want me" she said with a sad look on her face

"Ash and I talk that's what keeps us together because when we get mad at each other we talk it out because that keeps it strong and you and Andy will be together a long time possibly get married even that's how much I belive in you guy" I smiled at her " why don't we just go grab some food and shop instead of being here?"

"Okay sounds good" we hooked arms and walked off

"How does Chinese sound"Portia asked as we passed a little place

"Great" I answered. So we went inside and ate for what felt like ever and talked for even longer I looked at my watch

"Shit its 6:30 we need to get back before they worrie about us"I said as I pulled cash out of my new wallet. We called a cab and went Back to the stage with food just in case they were Hungary.

We walked into the stage to find them still there doing there stuff we stood in the back for a while untill they noticed us.

"We come bearing food"I said outloud they all stopped what they were doing and come to us.

"Awe babe you didn't have to we could have gone out and got something"Ash said pulling me close for a kiss Portia and Andy were at it again with the making out and stuff so we all sat down and ate talking about our day we even told andy and ash about the lingerie they were shocked but had huge smiles in their faces. We all couldn't wait till later.

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