Haunted House

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Ok so I decided not to do day 2 cause I was very busy but YA HAUNTED HOUSE TIME-


Peter was staying over at the avengers compound for a long break. May had to go out of town for work so it worked out perfectly and Peter was ecstatic. Sure, he'd stayed there all the time, as in he would come over every weekend, but there was never a reason not to be excited!

He always had an amazing time and they would watch movies and play board games and he always slept soundly but then, something changed.

He just couldn't put his finger on it.

Peter's senses were going off all the time and it was driving him mad.

Maybe he was he was going mad. He would set something down and when he turned back, it was somewhere else. Things would be knocked over too. But that didn't mean anything. Peter was just being paranoid like always.

He wasn't going to bring it up either, because then he'd be made fun of by the other avengers. He just got them to treat him less than a kid and then they were going to tell him he was a wuss-

"Kid are you ok..?" "Huh- What, I mean yeah! I'm good!" The man narrowed his eyes. "You're a crappy liar." "I'm not though!" "Mhm. What the hell's going on? What'd you break?" He pulled Peter closer to see if he was bleeding anywhere.

"Mr. Stark I didn't hurt myself, jeez.." Peter exclaimed swatting him away. "Knowing your history of hiding injuries, I wouldn't be surprised."

"FRI did I hurt myself?" "No Mr. Parker, you seem to be in perfect health. Though, you are very jittery." "No I'm not! Anyway, I'm going to bed now so g'night!"

"Kid it's only like 9:30." "What? Can't hear you bye!"


Even though he said he'd be going to sleep, Peter didn't for hours. His senses were continuously buzzing in the back of his head. It wasn't exactly danger but it was more like a 'look out I don't know what the fuck this is' kind of thing.

Around 4:30 when his phone died, he just decided to leave the room and get a snack, because if Peter was gonna live in fear, he might as well eat.

Peter's senses suddenly sparked. Shouting in alarm, he jumped out of the way as one of Tony and Pepper's big jar fell from the fridge. Almost on his head- what the hell??

He whipped his head around as the lights flickered on. What was happening-

"Kid is everything ok in there?" "Yeah Pete what's going on?" Tony, Natasha, Clint, and Sam walked out.

"Thought I heard a girly scream," Sam chided. Clint scowled and elbowed the man in the ribs. "Dude shut up, the kid's scared. What happened?"

"I-I- nothing happened."

"That shattered glass says otherwise," Tony said. Peter looked back at it. It'd almost fallen on his head. Sure Peter was strong and could take pain but the pain was thick and could've done some damage.

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