Are Hitoshi and Katsuki Aware of Deku Being Izuku? - An Informative Chapter

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I am very sorry. I have been meaning to write this important piece of information, but I keep on forgetting.

Now, some of you may be wondering: why doesn't Izuku talk to Katsuki or Hitoshi while in 1-A? Why aren't they even mentioned?

Well, the answer is... The other two aren't aware of his hacker personality!

They are aware that he is a vigilante, but all they know about his 'Deku' persona is that he supplies 'Black Rabbit' with information.

Other than that, they don't know anything about him.

I should've told this from the start, but I actually created Izuku's hacker personality on a whim, so... yeah.

I don't really plan what I'm writing, I just go with the flow. So, if there are any inconsistencies in the story, that's why.

Anyway, I updated a new chapter, so hopefully you'll like it.

I had a bit of a writer's block for some time, where nothing really came in mind.

Yes, I did start new books, but that's what happens: I start to realise just how many chapters I have on a story, and then my mind starts to think about other possible stories, and all creativity about said book disappears.

Don't worry, I'll continue updating, though maybe not as much as I used to.

Maybe once a week?

Anyway, thanks for wasting your precious time on this idiocy.

I hope you enjoy my books, and thanks for all your support!


~Blondie | shutiitt_real

The Secret Life Of A Not-So-Useless Deku // A Vigilante Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now