Chp. 9

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Caitlin's pov:

Me and Barry are at my house right now eating dinner. It got late so instead of staying at S.T.A.R. Labs all night, we decided to stay here. Barry told Joe and Iris; they were fine with it. Barry sat down and turned on the news.

"Why did you go to this?" I asked. It's ok to watch the news, I'm just curious.

"Iris said she got promoted. Tonight will be her first night on the news. She's going to talk about the crime our new meta made." He explained.

"That's very good about the promotion. Next time I see her I'll say congratulations."

*The news*

"Tonight, we will cover up some more information on the east side of Central City." John (fake name) the new reporter said.

"Yeah John. An explosion happened earlier this week. And it seems like it's not stopping. We have one of our journalists, Miss Iris West at the scene right now. Ms. West please tell us more and what you see." Martha (the other fake name) the news reporter said. The TV shows Iris' face.

"Thank you Martha. Right now I'm across the street from the scene. You can look around and see other small buildings that still have smoke rising from them. People around here called this mystery meta, The Atomic Manipulator aka "Atomic". Pictures that were taken from above *pictures cover the screen* show burn marks a long the road *The pictures disappear*. I hope the Flash is seeing this right now. We need him to stop this guy and save the day again." All of this was Iris speaking.

"*Camera comes back to the reporters from before* Thank you Iris. Now, on to the sports teams as th-" John was speaking until Barry turned off the TV.

"Hey! I was watching that." I say and hit his arm. He laughs and uses his super speed to clean up. I stand up and go to my room to get ready for bed. A few moments later, Barry comes in and speed changes out if his outside clothes. I lay down in the bed and Barry joins me. I look up at him with a smile.

"I know you're going to succeed at beating Atomic. I just hope you don't get hurt in the process." I say. He gives me reassuring kiss.

"It's ok Cait. I will always come to you. I know you'll always be there for me." Barry says. I yawn and I close my eyes.

Barry's Pov:

I watch her eyes close and see some parts of her hair change to white. She opens her eyes again and now I see Frost.

"Hey." I say with a quiet chuckle.

"Hey scarlet speedster." She says with a little smirk. I lean in and kiss her on the forehead. The cold, it's not affecting me this time. I guess it's because I was ready for it.

"For the first time, I feel warm. On the inside, not out. It feels... nice." Frost says.

I give her a kiss, on the lips this time. "I happy you feel that way. Frost or Cait, I love you both."

"Thanks. I'd beat anyone's butt if they mess with you."

"Frost go to sleep." I turn over to my other side with a smirk on my face. I heard a small gasp.

"Ok. Remember that." She says in a playful tone. I look back and see Frost's eyes close. The hair that was white turned back to normal. I fell asleep as well.

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