Chapter 63

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Jungkook POV
This morning I woke up to Jimin whining on me. "What's wrong baby?" "Jiminie nweed miwky." I sat up and took off my shirt. "Here baby." He sat in my lap as I rocked him slightly. "Hmm" he made a little noise. Cho-Hee was up and awake. She was eating breakfast that I made for her before I went back to sleep. Jimin is having his breakfast right now. His mouth filled with my milk that he loves. He pulled away which meant he was done drinking. "Alright baby do you want to give the stuff the Cho-Hee?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded and went under the bed. "Mommy what are you doing?" "Jiminie gwetting swomething." He pulled out the bags and packages. Cho-Hee looked over at us with a confused face. We walked over and handed her the gifts. "Hwappy birthway!" She smiled at the bags. "Mommy daddy you guys didn't have yo do this. You already brought me here." "I know but we wanted to. Just open them." She opened the the present and gasped when she saw the art supplies. "Wow! I love these thank you mommy and daddy!" We hugged her and she smiled. She opened the rest of the packages and loved all the gifts.

 She opened the rest of the packages and loved all the gifts

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