36: The Duo's Torment

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-November 24, 1991-
Voldemort stared at the humanoid figure lounging across his stone throne with wide eyes. The figure smiled a shit-eating grin at him, and Voldemort bristled at the smugness that seemed to be radiating off of him. The being was meeting Voldemort's gaze head-on, and everything about it screamed amused.

"Who are you?" Voldemort demands, and he is seriously beginning to get tired of asking the same question over and over again. "Why are you here?"

The figure's impossibly large smile seemed to grow even wider, and it gently eased itself out of the throne and walked breezily over to him, yet Voldemort didn't hear any footsteps. "You seem to enjoy that question, my Dear." the being said.

Voldemort narrowed his crimson eyes when the being leaned forward, their noses brushing. Voldemort walked back several steps, a hand coming up to cover his suddenly flushed cheeks. "Have you no concept of personal space?!" Voldemort cried, fury lacing his words.

"Is that another silly mortal concept?" the being asked. Voldemort took that as a 'no'.

"Yes," Voldemort snarled. "And it's one I'm quite fond of. Now, for the last time, who are you and why are you here?!"

"I am still angry with you, you know," the being said, completely ignoring Voldemort's question. (Again.) Voldemort seethed. "You took my Master from me. I've been waiting a very long time for him."

"I haven't the faintest idea as to what you're talking about." Voldemort said, his tone betraying just how irritated he was with having one-sided conversations with the being.

"However I had a very enlightening talk with my Dear Sister." the being continued, and Voldemort frowned. What was with this... this thing and cryptic messages? Voldemort could feel a migraine building.

This was not how Voldemort saw his night going. All he really wanted was to sleep peacefully and instead he had a nameless being invade his dreams, a Werewolf king invade his home and threaten his son, and then have said nameless being intrude on him yet again!

"It's too late at night for this." Voldemort muttered to himself, bringing a finger up to message his temples.

"Ah yes, I forgot mortal's strange need for sleep," the being said, completely ignoring the dark glare that was sent his way. "I find it flattering that you wish to sleep. It is often thought that sleep is but Mortal's living brush with death."

Voldemort squinted at the being. "What does that even mean?"

The being chuckled, and Voldemort grit his teeth at the sound of countless voices overlapping bouncing around in his meeting hall. "In due time, my Dear Immortal Lord, in due time."

"I assume your irritatingly vague words will continue, then?" Voldemort asked, resigned frustration laced deep within his words. The being only smiled at him. Voldemort found his gaze wandering over the thing once more, and frowned. "You look different."

"Oh? You look often enough to know that?" the being asked, and Voldemort scowled at the teasing tone.

"No. That's not what I meant." Voldemort said curtly. "Last time I saw you, you had longer hair. And green eyes. Now you..." Voldemort trailed off, his hands waving around the being's general direction as if to highlight what he meant. "You know."

The being smiled. "Physical appearance is mortal. I have none, so I shift through all forms. It allows me to blend in anywhere."

Voldemort listened harder gleefully. Finally, Voldemort was getting some useful information about the strange being. Not wanting to lose the opportunity to learn more about his mysterious nuisance, Voldemort pressed harder. "Anywhere? Do you mean to tell me you can look like anyone? Anything?"

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