Bakugou Vs. Uraraka

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"The eighth and last match of the first round! He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo! Versus-- She's the one I'm rooting for! From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka!" The crowd starts to cheer, but [Name] focuses on the match.

"Midoriya," Iida called out, the boy sitting next to him. "What was the strategy you were going to tell Uraraka earlier for her to use against Bakugo?"

"It wasn't much, really. Kacchan's strong. In a real close combat fight, he has almost no openings, and the more he moves, the more he sweats, making his Explosion Quirk stronger. He can use the blasts from his explosions to move around in the air, but if Uraraka touches Kacchan and uses her Quirk to make him float, then she would have the upper hand. That's why... the first thing Uraraka should do is..."

"Eighth match, start!"

".. a swift attack!"

Uraraka runs towards Bakugo and he just stands there, waiting for Uraraka. Bakugo pulls his arm back and he uses his Quirk, blasting Uraraka in her face and smoke fills that small area around her.

[Name] grew worried for Uraraka, but she knows Bakugo isn't the type of person to hold back. [Name] heard her classmates say something, but she wasn't able to process exactly what they said. She is too focused on their battle to even notice what they're saying. [Name] knew Bakugo wouldn't go easy on her because she's a girl, but rather because he knows what Uraraka is capable of.

Bakugo blast something that comes near him and [Name] was sure it was Uraraka. Smoke continues to fill the area because of Bakugo's Quirk, but when the smoke clears it's actually Uraraka's jacket. She appears behind him and Present Mic said something, but [Name] isn't listening at this point.

Uraraka gets almost close to touching Bakugo's back, but he reacts quickly. He sends another blast her way and she is pushed away from the force of his explosion. She skids to a stop and she stands up, a determined expression on her features. Bakugo moves the smoke away with his arm and Uraraka runs towards him, but he uses his Quirk once more.

His hand digs into the ground and up, sending a blast point blank in front of Uraraka and she disappears into the smoke again. She jumps out of the smoke once more, using it to her advantage to hide, but Bakugo is always prepared. He sends another medium sized blast to her and he doesn't stop his attacks.

Each time, Uraraka tries to get near him, he sends more bigger and stronger blasts to her. [Name] wasn't sure how to feel beside wishing for the battle to end quicker, but if the gender roles were switched then people would be cheering probably.

"Uraraka keeps attacking without rest, but... this is...."

Bakugo keeps on laying down powerful explosions, but something catches [Name]'s eye. She noticed a rock still in the air as more smoke fills the area. She ponders if Bakugo noticed this, but she's sure that he hasn't because the smoke is acting like a smokescreen. He's probably somewhat aware of what Uraraka might be doing.

"Hey, shouldn't you stop this?" [Name] heard a citizen ask Cementoss.

"Isn't he going too far?"

[Name] noticed Uraraka's body shake and she runs towards him again, but only gets pushed away by another blast. She could hear the crowd comment on this battle and someone had the balls to stand up from his seat and yell.

"Hey! How can you say you want to be a hero like that? If there's such a huge difference in your abilities, then hurry up and send her out of bounds!"

Uraraka runs out of the smoke and towards Bakugo, but he sends her away with a powerful explosion. His actions caused more heroes to stand up in anger and frustration. [Name] shook in her seat, glaring at those who wanted to have a say about this battle without knowing Bakugo or even Uraraka beside this battle.

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