i n t r o d u c t i o n

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Hi everyone, so with this story I'm going to need to set you up with some extra information before going in. My main character will explain most things but my world is a little confusing. So I'm going to go into the world and give you the basics

They live in the world of Moriella,(more-ill-ya)they are ruled by a King and Queen but there are 6 provinces that divide Moriella. Lords and Lady's govern each province. The provinces are Oshien, Brallen(bruh-len), Pickini(puh-kin-e), Lodashine(load-a-shin), Marelli(mur-rel-e), Durmine(Dur-min). My main characters all live in Marelli. They are governed by Lady Ada and Lord Rhett Paciello. You will find more about the other Lords and Ladies.

In this story Gods and Goddesses are a very big deal. Gods and Goddesses are unable to conceive so they bless babies with their gifts, the babies become Bound to the God/Goddess and have their gifts. But not as powerful as the God/Goddess themselves. There are 10 Gods/Goddesses in total. There are rumours of an 11th but it has not been proven.

List of Gods and Goddesses.

WATER: Ara (goddess)

WIND: Eteri (god)

EARTH: Orestes (god)

FIRE: Anala (goddess)

METAL: Hema (goddess)

WOOD: Aslen (god)

ICE: Eire (god)

SUN: Tesni (goddess)

MOON: Luan (god)

TWILIGHT: Noore  (goddess)

BLOOD: Sheerah (goddess) (speculated)

There are different levels to each Bound. I call them Series. The first Series consists of Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. They are the most common Boundment you can be Blessed with, they can be powerful but they are common, it also means they cannot be Blessed by another God/Goddess. The higher up you are on the spectrum the more Boundments you can be Blessed by. The second series consists of Wood, Metal, and Ice. These Boundments are hard to come by, but if Blessed by a Series two God/Goddess you can also be Blessed by another God/Goddess. The next series is made up of Sun, Moon, and Twilight. Sun and Moon Blessed children are extinct. 100 yrs before Mirror of Embers takes place there were experimentation on children Blessed by Tesni and Luan, the God and Goddess found out about this and made sure to never Bless any child with their gifts. Sometimes they cannot control who gets Blessed by them, the child is meant to be Blessed by the Gods/Goddesses and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

Moon and Sun are the most powerful Boundment. Twilight is in the same spectrum but she can Bless no children, her gift is too rare and unpredictable. She is also forever a child, which explains her wild and unpredictableness. The Gods/Goddesses made sure no child should ever be Blessed with Noore's gifts. Some believe that she sometimes does it anyway, and secretly chooses some children to Bless, she usually only does it to children already Blessed by Luan, their gifts are quite similar, children may always blame their darkness and recklessness on Luan, never suspecting that they have been blessed Noore as well.

Not everyone is born with Boundments, they are born mortal, or to mortal parents. We call them the Boundless. They are treated like dirt because they are 'less than' in Moriella. There are lands outside of Moriella that are specifically for the Boundless.

Also this story has quite a bit of swearing so beware


Ember Ryvergrave (Em-ber River-grave)

Faune Ryvergrave (Fawn River-grave)

Lokas Fahl (Low-cas Fall)

Royal O'Dea (Royal O-day-a)

Irina Paavola (eye-reen-a Pah-vol-ya)

Shann Paavola (Shawn, Pah-vol-ya)

Minette Gaeth (min-ette, gay-th)

Eden Joone

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