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"You...You love me?"

"I do and I have since the very beginning."

Again, Yoongi blushed, heart pounding so loudly and so rapidly in his chest. It seemed like it was going to burst soon. Jimin just smiled at him, making him almost melt away. It was so incredible how whipped he was for Jimin.

"I...I think I love you too."

"You think? That's not how it works, cutie."

Yoongi blushed harder, a groan passing his lips.

"Sometimes I wonder who's the older one between the two of us."

Jimin started cackling loudly and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, pulling him close.

"But you're right. I do love you. From the very bottom of my heart."

Jimin giggled quietly, burying his face in the crotch of Yoongi'a neck, the love confession making his knees feel weak. It felt incredible to hear that.

"So are we like together now, a..as in a couple?"

"Well, I..I guess so, yeah. If you want to, of course-"

"Aha! You stuttered!"

"I did not! Park Jimin never stutters!"

Yoongi smirked and cupped Jimin's face into his hands. "Oh really? Well, then he's a short little liar."

"Yah! I'm not short!"

"You most definitely are, no offense, though."

Jimin looked at Yoongi in shock, huffing angrily. "Offense taken." But when Yoongi pulled out his convincing pout, he couldn't ignore his lovesick puppy. "Only by a centimeter, though."

And then, Yoongi laughed and took his boyfriend into his arms, kissing him fondly before turning away and looking at the beautiful sunset in front of them.

It was indeed a gorgeous sight of course, but the most beautiful was the pink-haired boy in his arms.


A/N; Hi, thank's for reading my first story ever. I really appreciate you! Have a great day or night.
Love, Ronja.

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