24 | attention

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┍━━━━━━━★━━━━━━━┑CHAPTER 24⸻ ATTENTION ┕━━━━━━━★━━━━━━━┙

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I WOKE UP A LITTLE TOO early the next day in order to avoid the two of them and called Jaehyun to pick me up instead.

Thankfully Jaehyun was kind enough for the ride to the cafe in the morning for a quick breakfast before going for work.

He didn't asked or said anything about it until we arrived at the highest level of the Kim's Holding.

"I know this is stupid of me for asking but are you guys fighting?" Jaehyun asks after we settle in our opposite seats.

I sigh heavily. "Yeah, kind of,"

In a second, my eyes instantly land to the elevator as it dings, revealing the two person that I wanted to avoid the most. I dart my eyes away and pretend to talk to Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun, say something funny," I quickly mutter.

He raises an eyebrow. "Uh.. like what?"

"HAHAHA!" My high pitched voice blares across the room, earning everyone's attention.

I take a glimpse of the tall figure walking towards his office and the expression on his face is unreadable but I could tell he doesn't enjoy the sight.

Although I'm mad at him, he has no right to be so stunning. He is wearing a necktie today, and it looks so devastatingly good on him.

"God, you're so funny. You should be a comedian," I giggle in a way that sounds so fake. Jaehyun stares at me as if I have grown two heads.

When he finally slides in his office with his secretary, my grinning face gone in a second.

"You're scaring me, Mia. Are you okay?" Jaehyun looks at me, terrified.

"I prefer not talking about it. By the way, why are you so dull today? You were supposed to be funny,"

"That's offensive," he gasps shockingly.

I scoff, shaking my head and briskly go back to work. Somehow, I could focus and distract myself with the loads of paper on my table without thinking about him.


"Hey, all the best! You might need it," Jaehyun kindly reminds, folding his hands into a fist as a sign for good luck.

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