The Most Creepy Stalker

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A few days passed by since the incident and things have calmed down again, well somewhat.

I looked at the message in my phone with a complicated expression. "Good morning little angel. Hope you have a nice day ~ love dad."

Everyday, I get at least two such short messages from him, wishing good morning and good night. I simply ignore it most of the time but that slight itch in my heart never stops.

I removed all these useless thoughts out of my mind and got out of my bed.

Looking at my piles of clothe for work, which by all looked alike. Light coloured female dress shirts that fitted my frame snugly along with black or dark blue or any dark colour short skirt along with nude or white plums and small dangling pearl earrings. I pulled my brown, slightly curly hair back with a banana clip, such that my hair remained loose but didn't hinder my work. I never liked making tight pony tails as it hurt my scalp. I honestly wonder how a few girls can wear their hairs in high pony tails with hairs bound so tight that it even pulls the face muscles back. I don't even dare to try that.

 I don't even dare to try that

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As for make up, it was always the same, some moisturizer on face, and a light lip gloss on lips which also moisturized my lips and added a tinge of pink colour and mascara

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As for make up, it was always the same, some moisturizer on face, and a light lip gloss on lips which also moisturized my lips and added a tinge of pink colour and mascara. I couldn't really go completely bare faced to work. But I like keeping it to the minimal.

"Mom?" An angelic voice called and I turned to my sweet little baby.

"Yes sweetheart?" I asked as I helped him to sit on the chair next to me for breakfast. The help did all the cooking and cleaning in the house so I didn't have much work at home.

"When will dad be back?" He asked.

"Most probably day after tomorrow." I replied, I little worried.

Dominic has been tracking Nancy in Spain but she suddenly disappeared without a trace. Dominic is restless thinking she is planning something. The woman is completely bonkers from what they tell me. I'm not letting that woman anywhere near my family.

One hour later I parked my car in the hospital's parking. I took the files I needed along with my other things. However, just as I entered everyone of the staffs, from the security guard to the receptionist looked at me weirdly.

Not knowing what else to do, I gave them a slight, curt nod. I'm not a chatty person. I help people if they need it but mostly I keep to myself. My interaction with everyone I didn't have work with was minimal. The reply I always got was a slight nod back. But today, they looked at me more weirdly.

"Something wrong?" I asked the receptionist not being able to take their weird looks anymore.

"Um..." The receptionist hesitated, probably trying to think how to properly answer my question. "You have a patient waiting." She finally said.

"I have a patient waiting? But I don't visit patients personally. I just assist Dr Gill." I said unsure.

"Ma'am, this patient has come with direct recommendation from one of our trusties so we can't deny her and she specifically said she wants you to diagnose her." She said and I nodded not understanding why someone would want a half-ass doctor like me to personally see to them. "Um... Dr Westby, don't worry, I've asked my sister to stay with you. She's a nurse who didn't have a duty right now. She agreed to help." The receptionist added with a bit of worry.

"It's okay um... Marina." I said looking at her name tag. "I think I can manage taking a look at the patient alone. Though I've been here just for few months, I've learned enough to at least check a person's symptoms and prescribe right tests and medicines." I said.

"It's not your skill I'm worried about." She muttered.

"Excuse me?" I asked, not understanding what was wrong.

"Cara." Dr Gill called me before she could reply.

"I'll talk to you later." I said to the receptionist who nodded back worried. I ignored her worried look and went Dr Gill. "Yes doctor." I said respectfully.

"There is a patient waiting for you." he said and I nodded.

"I heard. Don't worry, I can do a nominal check up." I said.

"That's not what I'm worried about." He said. "Eric." He called a nearby staff.

"Yes sir." Eric responded.

"Stay with Cara during the entire process. Do not leave her alone even for a single second." Dr Gill ordered.

Why is everyone being so weird today. What is with this patient?

I calmed myself before I blow up and entered Dr Mill's cabin. I didn't have one of my own because I'm not a complete doctor yet. Dr Mill had a day off so I was arranged to visit the patient in his cabin. Eric was following me as I entered the cabin to see another nurse standing in the side looking warringly at the patient who was facing her back at me, her frame covered by the back rest of the chair. This nurse was probably Marina's sister that she told me about.

Why was the patient sitting on the doctor's chair though? It's common sense that patients sits on the chair in front of the doctor's chair.

"That's my chair." I said.

The woman sitting on the chair got up and turned towards me and my entire body went stiff and I gulped down hard.

She was wearing a nude coloured dress shirt and a black short skirt along with a white coloured low-heeled plums and short dangling pearl earrings. Her slightly curly brown held back loosely by a banana clip showed a tinge of blonde at it's base. Obviously she coloured her hair brown. Her make up was minimal consisting of moisturizer, mascara and a lip gloss that added a tinge of colour to her lips.

Her posture was straight while she pushed her chest out to make her back look extra straight, and her stomach in. It was a familiar military like posture. It was the same one mom trained me to hold since a young age, the same posture I was in now.

All of the things she was wearing, I could have sworn I had exact same set in my wardrobe, including the shoes and the earrings.

If not for a different face and different figure, I would think I was looking in a mirror.

What the hell is happening?

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