8. official screwed

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"Love or Host?" Geo asked, confused out of his mind

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"Love or Host?" Geo asked, confused out of his mind. He had come over randomly to check up on her after Eris didn't respond to an alarming amount of messages. "No offense, but you can't communicate romantically for the life of you."

"Thanks for the words of wisdom." Eris had been a bit grumpy since Astrid DMed Austin back through her account. She didn't mind that Astrid had done that, Eris wished she would've warned her a bit. "Do I really need a boyfriend?"

"I don't think that was Astrid's intention," He said, sitting on her bed. Eris sat at her window playing with the small ivy that began to grow on her walls. "As much as she wanted to help, I'm pretty sure she thought that was the best way to do it. Even if it wasn't."

"I think her and Josephine are plotting to get me in a relationship, so I can write something other than breakups." Her laughter rang alongside Geo's, echoing a bit through the empty house. She leaned her head on the window, eyeing the soft sunset that came down on the city. "I don't mind it."

"Because you're hoping that guy goes on." Eris threw a plushie she had near him at his head. He dodged it, shaking his head. "You're acting like a child with a crush."

"Am not!" She grumbled, crossing her arms. "He's very nice and his laugh is cute."

"You called him cute!" Eris yelled at him, grabbing her pillow to "aggressively" beat him with it. He began to laugh, trying to avoid her pillow attacks. "You can't even deny it anymore."


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 You must be 18 years or older to apply!#LoveOrHost

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