²⁰| Questions Answered {Part 3}

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 2, 1990. Right where we left off ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

"Well-" started Ragnok, "-after understanding the fact that you are the Heir of all three Peverell brothers and rightfully own all three Hallows, we know that you are Death's Master. With that out of the way, we know where you get the abilities to speak in the language of the Dead. You will probably be able to speak to Thestrals and Dementors" he mused. "Shadow manipulation is also probably one of the gifts of being the Master of Death. But you'll probably need to practice a lot".

"Shadow manipulation is the ability to blend into shadows, use them as a way to hide from the world. You can also do a type of apparition to any place that is shrouded in shadows. It is not something you can learn - just like Parseltongue. You need to be born with it, they are hereditary gifts that are passed down through blood. So I think your Shadow manipulation activated as you have the blood of all three brothers in you, otherwise, it would have been dormant in your blood and activated in your Heir if you married someone with the blood of another Peverell brother" he said.

"I don't think most people,  by that I mean almost nobody, know about shadow manipulation. So, you can't protect against it if you don't know about it" he finished, smirking.

I just grinned and shook my head at him. "While we are on the topic of Hereditary gifts, Parseltongue is the language of snakes and snake-like reptiles. It is the ability to communicate with snakes and most of the times make them do your bidding. The Gaunts were infamous for being Parselmouths. They were extremely proud of their gift" he said. "Parselmagic is something that Salazar Slytherin was infamous for, but now people just know that he had the ability to speak to serpents. But they don't realise that spells spoken in magical languages are much more powerful than normal spells, not like wizards know magical languages, but magic done in the language of the dead is probably even more powerful" he informed.

I just grinned at him, which made him smirk and shake his head at my excitement. "Zoometamorphmagus is also also a hereditary gift. Blacks are known for their Metamorphmagus abilities, he said, while looking at Dora - which is the ability to change their body shape, size and colour, but Zoometamorphmagi are people who can change their body into that of different animals. It is just like being an Animagus, but you can have multiple forms. Someone of your power, you will probably have seven or thirteen forms" he spoke as he thought about it.

He was silent for a few moments while he collected his thoughts and let us soak up the information thrown our way. "Now you know why you are the Lord of House Slytherin, I can expla...no tell you my speculations about what might have happened.  Hogwarts, from the time of the Founders, has always been autonomous. The Ministry has tried several times to bring in legislations where it tried to gain control of the school. It has never worked, not even once" he said awe evident in his voice. I'm guessing that escaping the ministry for that long is almost impossible.

"Not many know this, but Hogwarts herself, yes herself - is sentient. Whenever anyone tried to force their way into the castle grounds, let it be ten people or an army, they were forcefully evicted. Literally thrown out of the grounds on their arses. Everyone thought the headmaster used the ancient wards to do so, but we know that Hogwarts did it herself. 'How?' you ask, it is because Hogwarts is protected by not only the Founders' wards, but also wards weaved together by Merlin himself, and some of the best Goblin wards ever erected. It is still standing after a millennium!" he said, awe and Goblin pride displayed for everyone to see.  

"Merlin was the last wizard to be awarded the title of 'Goblin Friend', but I think you are deserving of it," he said, taking me completely by surprise. Did he just say the last wizard to hold the title was Merlin, and now he was planning to give it to me?.

I just stared at him, dumbfounded. I shook myself out of it and tried taking it in stride.

"So back to where we started, the castle was never the Ministry's property, even if they like to suggest it is. Nor is it the Headmasters'. It has always belonged to the Founders and their descendants. The Heirs of Slytherin were the ones to always have a right to own part of the castle" he said, enunciating every word carefully. "But none of them have ever owned a quarter of it. My guess is that as the other three founders never had Heirs, their bloodline was doomed to end. Thus they gave the future Lord Slytherin to gain all their possession" he said, grinning at the thought of all of those things and how much they are worth monetarily - they would be priceless!

"Their Vaults, their Hogwarts Governor seats and their Wizengamot seats. I can say this because you have recently gained all those seats" he finished smirking, thinking that I would be very shocked.

But the only emotion I was feeling right now was smug satisfaction. Here it was, my ticket to bring Dumble-fuck down, presented to me on a Golden Platter.

"But Hogwarts rules say that a student cannot be a teacher or a Governor, but you can always appoint a proxy. The same goes for your Wizengamot seats, to claim one or to use one you have to be older than twenty years of age" he said smirking at me, I immediately looked beside me, at Uncle Lucius and winked. Then I turned to look at Aunt Andro and winked at her, causing her to chuckle at my antics. I just grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Now onto more pressing matters-" declared Ragnok, "-Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumb-pain-in-the-arse".

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