Chapter 6

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Boy he did not seem happy after that, his gaze was hot enough to melt steel.

I didn't even try stopping my hand from lifting to slap him again but before my palm hit his face he stopped me. I stilled, surprised with his quickness, and the burning around my wrist.

His touch was rough and warm, the heat from his palm spreading around my skin in a punishing way. My lips parted as I glanced down at his hand, but then the anger returned.

I strained as I tried pulling my hand out of his grip but it was impossible. He must be really strong, if that was any other guy I would have already slammed him to the ground.

"Tough guy huh?"

His eyes flashed with a glint of amusement. "Something like that."

I stopped struggling, narrowing my eyes in a calculating way. "And arrogant. I don't know what the ladies see in you."

"Well you're here bellissima."

"Only because you're holding my wrist."

With those words, He released me. His eyes remained on mine in a tight stare, but the playfulness in his eyes remained. Was he testing me?

His eyes darted between me and the door. He was seeing if I would scurry away. And when he realised I wasn't going to, his eyes narrowed in a calculating way.

"What?" I asked, hiding my uneasiness under his eyes.

"Why aren't you leaving?"

To prove a point. "Why not?"

He swiped a hand over his jaw, before heading towards the door. I didn't even realise a breath had left my mouth, my chest feeling light knowing I wasn't under his attention anymore.

His hand slipped over the doorknob and he looked at me. "How are you going to get home?"


"Let me take you."


I flipped a strand of hair from my face. This guy has no idea who I really am. "I'm perfectly capable to going home myself."

"I'm not going to kill you..." He paused for a second. "Unless..."

"Unless what." I rolled my eyes.

"Unless you're afraid of me."

A chuckle left my mouth. "I'm not afraid of you."

"Oh yeah? Prove it then."

We stared at eachother, me in thought and irritation. My lips pressed together. "Fine. Let's go asshole." I tried hard to control my anger and resisted the urge to break his jaw.

I walked out of the room and straight out of the house not caring how far behind he was from me. He finally came outside, and then walked towards where the cars were parked.

I expected him to pull out his keys and unlock his car, but instead he walked up to a motorbike. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at it.

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