Dadzawa is Good for the Soul

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It was three in the morning, Aizawa was halfway through his patrol, leaping from roof to roof, checking alleys for activity, keeping his eyes and ears open. He was on high alert due to after effects of a would-be-mugger's quirk that wasn't erased with the quirk, but even then, it took him an embarrassingly long time to realize that he was suddenly carrying more weight than before. An endearingly soft giggle made him relax as he registered the dark green in the corner of his vision, a small body clinging to his back.

He just gave an exasperated sigh, not bothering to tell the boy off for breaking curfew, with a huff, he said, "get my phone and text the insomniac's chat. Tell them you're with me."

Not even bothering to get offended that they're still trying to keep track of him, Izuku messaged the chat (how did Aizawa not even feel the boy take his phone?) and got immediate questions and requests from Nezu, Shinso, he could see Tokoyami lurking while Kaminari was surprisingly offline. Easily accepting Shinso's request, he snapped a quick selfie with Aizawa just as they jumped another gap and sent it to them. (No matter how much Aizawa claimed it didn't happen, there was now photographic proof that he was smiling that night.)

They get pulled off course by a sudden scream a few buildings away, Aizawa immediately turning in that direction even mid-jump. They find a big, burly guy threatening a pair of ladies for their purses. The man's identity is immediately obvious to Izuku, who's been keeping up with police warrants and such as he always has.

"That's Kure Sen, wanted for five armed robberies, fifteen muggings, seven aggravated assaults, and three attempted murders. His quirk is 'WolfMan' and he can turn into a very large wolf or half transform for claws and ears. He doesn't have much actual fighting ability, usually using his strength and quirk to overpower his targets." Izuku gave a speedy breakdown of the man in a low murmur, just loud enough for Aizawa to hear.

"Okay, kid," Aizawa acknowledged, positioning himself to drop down, "hold tight."

It honestly wasn't much of a fight, for a man who's quirk boasted high sensory perception, it was a disappointingly fast take down. Aizawa dropped from the roof, angled to hit the man's side, and kicked him away from the women and into the wall. The sound his head made when it made contact with the wall almost caused Izuku to flinch, but the man got back up, a little wobbly, but obviously preparing to duke it out, already transforming.

Aizawa didn't let him get that far, erasing his quirk and sending his capture scarf out to slam him into the opposite wall before throwing him into the ground. When he rolled to a stop, he was out cold and Aizawa tied him up while calling the cops to pick him up, turning to the girls to ask if they were okay only to see Izuku already talking to them. They cooed at the boy and thanked the both of them for helping them, assuring them that they were both alright and would wait for the cops to give their statements.

With that, Aizawa swung himself back up to the rooftops to keep an eye on them until the cops arrived. Izuku appeared back on his back as the sirens rounded the corner and they went back to his patrol. Enjoying the fresh air and the ability to put his analyses to the test.

When they got back to UA that morning, Izuku was already asleep and Aizawa didn't feel like going to his own dorm, so he took them toward 1-A dorms to cuddle on the couch while most of the rest of the class is out doing morning training or taking a well deserved break and sleeping in.

They nap for a while, studiously ignoring where Aizawa's phone is trying to vibrate itself off the table, the chimes of the text tone long since switched to a simple beep. Aizawa pretends to not notice when Tsuyu joins on his other side, sucking up warmth like a leech. Similarly, he doesn't react when Shinso joins as well, actually falling asleep against Izuku easier than he does in his bed.

The rest of the his ki-class slowly trickle in over the next few hours, most joining them on the couch or on the floor around it after eating breakfast. Needless to say, this somehow turned into another 1-A sleepover and Aizawa couldn't exactly say he was disliking it (he'd be lying).

The class lazed about the common room for most of the day, the more hyperactive ones (BakuSquad, Ura, and Toru) playing games quietly while a few others (Iida, Yaomomo, Bakugo, Jiro, Sato, and Shoji) quietly studied or caught up on their homework. Some (Todoroki, Aoyama, Ojiro, Koji, and Sato) wandered in and out as they did other things. Overall, it was a very relaxing day for everyone in 1-A.

The room slowly, gradually, in a way that only Izuku can make happen, turned itself into a blanket fort as night began to fall, no one really noticing until Mina pointed it out with an excited squeal.

"Oh my Nezu! Are those fairy lights?" She pointed at the multicolored strings of lights hanging from the suddenly too close and oddly patterned ceiling.

Shoto mouthing the words 'oh my Nezu' with a confused look on his face as a very Aizawa-esque grin spread across Shinso's. Aizawa, for his part, stayed pretending to be asleep so he could hopefully not have to deal with his migraine inducing class just yet.

The class glanced around and in neat little piles were their pillows, blanket(s), and a random hero inspired onesie. Shinso blinked at that, before leaning his head back on Izuku tiredly, "is this your way of asking for a sleepover?"

The class turned to Izuku who blushed deeply, hiding his face in Aizawa's chest and nodding after a moment. Shinso heaved a sigh before grabbing his pile and heading to his room to change, which sent everyone else in motion to do the same, Kirishima dragging Bakugo behind him with a smile.

When the commons was empty, Izuku hesitantly held up another onesie where Aizawa could see it from his half cracked eye. With a very put-upon sigh, Aizawa levered himself up and disappeared into the bathrooms.

The class filed back in, Uraraka was first with a very fluffy and comfy looking Thirteen onesie, Sato followed in a Lunch Rush one, Kirishima was almost crying in his Crimson Riot onesie, followed by a sulking Bakugo looking like Best Jeanist. Shinso was the last in his Eraserhead onesie which Aizawa immediately zeroed in on when he came in himself in a Fat Gum onesie that looked even more comfortable than his usual sleeping bag. Somewhere along the way, Izuku changed into his Gran Torino onesie (seeing as Toru had an All Might one).

Aizawa laid face down on the ground, Shinso doing the same after wrapping himself in Kaminari's yellow blanket with a shit eating grin to the wearily watching teacher. Kaminari followed in his Gang Orca onesie, the rest of the class copying them soon after, laying out around the comfy enclosed space Izuku had somehow made without anyone noticing.

And that was how Izuku had convinced the InsomniSquad™ to actually sleep at a sleepover. (Nezu got a few too many pictures of Ojiro in a Nezu onesie. And if other pros received pictures of random (and not-so-random) people in onesies of them, well, it definitely wasn't Nezu's fault.) (Hawks adamantly denies that he has a picture of his favorite intern in a onesie of him hidden away on his wallet. Nope, it's not a thing he'd admit to even if it was the cutest goddamn thing he'd ever seen.)

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