22 Fake Princess (Prince's Lady In Waiting sequel)

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A/n: I made a Hugo x reader oneshot book for you Hugo lovers

@AnimeGirl4life93 requested part 2, shes quick with it lmao

You walked into Varian's room, he was still asleep. Of course he was, it was like 7am and the only other time he got up that early was...the coronation, if you remember. You could tell he was sleeping good since he was snoring...loudly.

You snickered, covering your mouth and slowly walking up to the young man. You looked at the sleeping beauty for a few seconds before pulling off the covers. "Get up sleepy head, it's time to get up!" You exclaimed. You only heard a groan come from his mouth and he turned back around.

"You're the king now, you kind of have duties," you replied. "But I'm tired, just give me like...10...minutes," he slurred his words and trailed off, falling asleep again. You crossed your arms, he's so freakin stubborn at times. You then laid down on top of him facing the ceiling. "Okay, okay, geez," he said shoving you off of him, a little too far, leading you to fall of the bed.

He popped right out of bed as soon as he heard the Thud! sound. "SWEET MOTHER OF ALCHEMY I AM SO SORRY!" He exclaimed, helping you up. You only chuckled, "It's fine, I'm fine. Honestly, that was hilarious, although my arm hurts now. It's probably nothing to worry about," you add seeing Varian's concerned expression.

You tossed him the outfit you put together for him and he went to get dressed in his bathroom. "So, the ball's tonight how do you feel?" You asked loudly, waiting for him at the bathroom door. "Excited I guess," he called back, "it's just another normal ball." You froze, had nobody told him about the plan?

He was supposed to find a suitable wife to be queen at that ball. The ball that was happening that night. "Uh...Varian?" You asked, worried. "Uh-huh?" He asked, still getting ready in the bathroom. "You do know this is a ball to find a wife right?" Crickets



"WHAT?!" He exclaimed, busting through the door. "Be careful will you? I don't want this door getting broken," you said, making sure there wasn't any damage done to it. "How did I not know this? I cant find a wife in a night! I didn't even prepare for this," he was pacing around his room like he does when he's worrying.

"Calm down V, I'm sure you can-"

"I don't even want a wife!"

You stopped. "Wait...you? You? You're telling me you don't want a wife?" You responded. The boy shook his head. Everything went silent.

You looked at the ground and started to giggle uncontrollably, and the giggling turned into full blown laughter, "Wow uh, the party's in just a few hours, already planned and everyone's coming and wow," you talked quickly, still laughing out of fear. "I am such a failure, how does the king out of all people not know about this? What are gonna fucking do now huh?!" Yep, that one sentence made you go insane.

The blue eyed man looked at you concerned. You usually knew the answer or solution to everything, so that meant this was baaaaad.

"Hey, um, how about this, you propose to me eh?" You finally said snapping your fingers. Varian turned red, "Listen, y/n, I love you, I really do, but I don't want to risk ruining our friendship-"

"You done yet?" You cut him off curling your lip, "Wait- what was the last thing you sai-" "Nothing, Nothing, I was just letting you down easy," Varian cut you off awkwardly smiling. "O-okay. Uh Anyways, as I was saying, why don't I dress up as a princess and say I'm from some made up kingdom? You pretend to fall in love with me, propose, after the news dies down we'll fake the pretend princess's death, you'll pretend to be heartbroken and bada bing bada boom, no marriage."

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