Part 6

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Clarissa felt at home at the Potter's enormous library that it made her question just how much time she used to spend here. She started reading in the what she would call the "kids" section of the library, books the Potters used to teach James before going to Hogwarts most likely. The books were mostly about pureblood customs which Clarissa just skimmed through, somehow already knowing what they were about.

She moved on to a few books about Hogwarts, such as Hogwarts: A History. Luckily for her, the library is where James stored his previous years' textbooks. Clarissa flipped through all those books, glad that she seemed to be remembering her knowledge from their past years. She figured that she'll be fine academic wise, so she moved on to the darker side her learning.

The only ways to kill a horcrux—to her knowledge— is by basilisk venom and fiendfyre (though she did have a few other ideas). There was no way she'll be able to go down to the Chamber of Secrets and kill a basilisk unless she was feeling suicidal so her only option is mastering fiendfyre. Although there were a few books about fiendfyre, Clarissa wanted more information about it besides the background information about the spell. She wanted the dark side of the spell, explaining how to control it and the damages it will cause.

As big as the Potter's library was, they didn't have many dark books dealing with horcruxes. Clarissa wants to study as much as she can about horcruxes before she collects all of Voldemort's. In the movies, whenever the Golden Trio destroyed a horcrux, Voldemort felt it. Clarissa doesn't to be anywhere near Voldemort's radar, so her plan is to find all of it and destroy all of it at once.

Considering she couldn't find much about horcruxes or fiendfyre, Clarissa decided to get a head start on her academics. She was delighted to see all the entire collection of Miranda Goshawk's Standard Book of Spells. Skipping ahead to Grade 6, she pulled out the book from the shelf and found her way to a desk. Parchment and a quill appeared before her which she was thankful for and began to take notes.

Clarissa went back and forth from her desk to the shelves to see if she could find anything else useful for her in preparing for the upcoming war. Defence spells, protective enchantments, healing potions, fighting strategies, and she even went as far as to study the law. This was how James found her, hunched over the desk with tons of opened books laying around her.

Clarissa didn't even hear him come in, only sensing his presence once he was close enough for her to smell the familiar scent of his soap. James peered his head over her shoulder to see what she was doing, only to see her familiar scrawl that said something about a N.E.W.T level spell. Expecting nothing less from his girlfriend, he kept his eye on her as she mindlessly made notes while he shook his hair dry with his towel.

"James, I swear to Merlin if you get a drop of water on my parchment, I will slap you," Clarissa told him, not even taking an eye off her page.

James took a step back, making sure he was out of her range as he still tried to dry his hair.

"Sorry love, you know I don't mean it."

Clarissa smiled to herself before setting her quill down and standing up to look at James. He's obviously showered just like she asked and put on new clothes for the dinner later. She walked over to him and took over drying his hair for him.

"So, did you have fun with Sirius?" Clarissa asked.

"Yeah, thanks for that." James told her with a loving smile.

Clarissa just shrugged her shoulders, "I could tell he was a bit on edge from what I said yesterday. I figured a bit of fun would keep his mind off of it."

At the reminder of what was said yesterday the pair became quiet. Clarissa stopped drying James' hair and let her hands hold on to the towel around his neck.

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