Dark skies

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Peter never liked rainy days

The sky was dark and gloomy and Peter could never bring himself to do anything.

It reminded him of when Ben died.

When the lightening had struck at the same time as the gun had gone off.

When the rain dripped down his nose and mixed with the salty tears that poured down his face as he watched his uncle slowly die.

It didn't always affect him like this but when the storms were bad, he just couldn't help himself.

He'd sit in his bed or lay with May on the couch, tangled in blankets as they watched movies until late at night.

"Pete? You in there?"

The boy wondered if he wanted to answer or just pretend he was asleep. He could be left alone, or he could face Tony and talk to him.

But he might start crying he didn't really want anyone to see him like that.

"FRI, is the kid sleeping?" "No boss."

That snitch-

"Alright kiddo, I'm coming in." Internally groaning, Peter muttered, "...Ok."

"Ah, so he's alive," Stark quipped.

Peter sighed and hummed in response. "Hey, what's wrong? I haven't seen you all day. The others were wondering where you were too."

"Dunno. M' just tired."

"Were you out all night again spider-Manning?" "No." He hadn't even gone out as spidey last night. He saw the clouds forming above him even in the darkness and realized it probably wasn't smart to be swinging around in the rain. Knowing his luck, he'd get struck by lightening.

Instead of questioning Peter and demanding to know exactly what was wrong, Tony just sat next to his kid and put a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Bad day?"

Tears formed in Peter's eyes. Realizing this, he squeezed them shut and shoved his face against the pillow. His presence was comforting in its own and the boy just wanted to curl up in his bed and cry.

The man hummed, seeing that Peter had tensed.

"Anything I can do to help?" He shook his head.

"Do you want me to leave?" After a moment of hesitation, Peter shook his head again.

"Alright kid."

They ended up just having a calm, quiet day in the tower with movies and snacks, wearing their favorite hoodies and sweatpants, and no one questioned it. No one needed to.

But that was ok, because after a while of healing, dark skies and storms weren't so bad for Peter anymore.

They were memories, sure, but not just bad ones anymore.


Words- 423

It's so SHORT TF-

There's probably gonna be a bunch of these that'll be short tbh

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