Chapter 4 🚪

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(Riley POV)
When I got from my seat the boy behind me walked in front of me and looked at me. I already knew what was going to happen. I just took a deep breath and walked in the bathroom. The boy was in the bathroom already smoking.

"Since you wanted to talk that smack let's see how brave you really are"
"All I said was nah I'm good. You just trippin I'm out. You're just being over dramatic"

I turned around only to see two boys blocking the door way.

"Now I don't like that attitude, I'll just have to teach you a lesson".

(Huey POV)
I tried to look for Riley until I saw him by the bathroom door. When I walked up to him he cover his eyes.

"What's wrong"

I looked at him and moved his hands to see  a black eye.

"Don't you lie to me Riley. Who fucking did this to you"
"S-Some guy with the red hoodie with curly hair".

I heard someone laughing behind me...the guy with the red hoodie and curly hair. Riley grabbed one to my arm.

"So you're this little pipe squeaks brother".

I punched him in his making him fall backwards.

"Don't you ever come near my brother again"

I grabbed Riley by his hand and went to the cafeteria. Riley seemed to be upset.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess"
"It's fine, already you're safe".
"But I can't protect you.. I'm weak"
"You don't need to protect's my job to protect you okay"?

He nodded

OverprotectiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang