The Exam

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(Over 300 reads?! Welp that's a huge motivator to not stop writing this story...)

Ok so how am I going to figure out how to use my quirk for appropriately for combat? Maybe it's not my quirk that's the problem, maybe I'm the problem. I've always somewhat rejected my quirk ever since I learned the drawbacks. It could be that I've been subconsciously pushing my quirk away from myself and that's keeping me from utilizing it too the fullest. Maybe...

"Y/n?" you instinctively unsheathed the sword and pointed it at the voice. The blade inches away from Midoriya's face "U-Uh." you hastily put the sword away "Shit! My bad, I was super zoned out!" the almost impaled boy was nervously shaking "N-No i-it's my fault for sneaking up on you." you felt like running into the ocean and never coming back.

A hundred apologies later

"Hey Midoriya I'm trying to learn to control my quirk better." the flood gates opened, the green haired boy swirled into a tornado of words. One that he had to be shaken out of "Midoriya!" the teen snapped out of it "Sorry, I've been thinking about your quirk for a while. Honestly you've stumped me, whatever you do it always seems to hurt you or others. Your skin obviously has a resistance to heat but it isn't enough to completely get away without a burn or two. You've told me that your quirk feels like a endless pool of energy, one that cannot be controlled effectively. Maybe you can use conductors so you can direct the electricity better. But for now I think you should try practicing with lower outputs and testing your limits.

Midoriya's phone ringed "That must be Mr. Yagi, I hope my advice helped." he ran off in the direction he came, phone in hand.

That doesn't help at all! I'm sorry Midoriya but I've been using lower outputs my entire life! Even then I still get burns, I can't imagine what will happen to my body if I actually use full power.

For 4 whole days you slammed your head into the brick wall that was your quirk, failure after failure was awarded with fresh burns. You despaired, craters of glass being proof of your efforts.

The opportunity of a lifetime wasted! If only I wasn't born with this stupid quirk! Superpower my ass, if anything I'll die of a fucking heart attack if I try to use it! Who the hell came up with this shit!?

You stared into the horizon. It was still morning, the sun just beginning to rise. You blinked, the entire sky was engulfed in flames. A head-splitting pain shot throughout your being, you screamed in agony. Something being forced into your mind. Your head felt like it was going to explode. A flash of a destroyed landscape. An infinite void that none shall escape. Endless corpses stretched into the horizon. These flashes increased in speed until it was completely incomprehensible. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you went completely limp. You were witnessing something a feeble mortal mind couldn't hope to comprehend. A single word rang out through your soul.


You looked down in awe, lightning harmlessly danced across your skin. A limit had been broken, a light heat could be felt at the surface of your skin instead of a scalding pain.

So...that's new.

The U.A. Exam

You got off the bus with the rest of the group. Starting to lumber up and stretch, your much more built body flexed due to your extensive training. Glancing around, you observed your competition. Nobody really caught your eye, most looked extremely nervous, little to none had support gear.

"START!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL BATTLE!!!!" Present Mic screamed down at the groups.

You quickly got the hint and raced off. As you ran down the street a 2 pointer slid in front of you. You made quick work of it by launching a thunderbolt forward like a spear, tearing through the robot with minimal effort. A smirk crept onto your face.

All that hype for them to go down this easily?

As more robots emerged you jumped forward, digging your foot into the head of one. The contact with your biological electricity short circuited the machine, taking it down with a single attack once again. You slid forward on the robot, riding the momentum of your kick to crash into the other machines. The electricity around you increased as your heart thumped in your chest.

Amazing! So this is how Bakugou feels when he uses his explosions!

A one pointer opened fire with rubber bullets, you dived to the side before pivoting and crashing right through its hull.   Harmful sparks of energy bit into your surroundings, but you failed to notice. After all, you finally got to let loose without a single once of pain.


"L/n, Y/n. Quirk: Electrical Manipulation." Nezu announced in a joyful voice. "Although he has a grip on his quirk he doesn't appear to have full control." The teachers watched as he dove straight into a group of robots followed by an explosion of shrapnel.

"Agreed, he doesn't seem to care at all about his surroundings or those near his quirk. He may not be hurting himself but..."

The U.A. Exam.

Your body was cloaked with harmful electricity as you dashed from robot to robot, tearing through each with minimal effort.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, an explosion of dust appeared over the horizon and from it the 0 pointer emerged. It towered over the surrounding buildings casting a large shadow over the city.

Isn't that a little overboard?!

You watched in horror as the 0 pointer made it's way down the street. The people on the street began running away in fear trampling over each other to get away.

Crap! It's like a stampede, if the robot doesn't hurt anyone, the people running away from it will.

You jumped down to the street and got into a stance that made you look like an Olympic runner.

You put more focus into your total concentration breathing and activated your quirk letting a thicker aura wash over you. You kept putting more and more power into your quirk, burns started appearing on your body.

Crap, I can't keep it all in! I need more power than my body can contain to beat this thing! It have to create vessels over my body keeping it contained and pressurized.

You kept creating more and more vessels for each one that your quirk broke through. Your little power up was going undisturbed until the 0 pointer noticed you. It quickly made it's way over to you and reared back it's fist preparing to crush you flat. It attacked, it's fist zooming towards you. But then a orange haired girl with a ponytail stopped it. She had enlarged both of her hands to catch the fist. "What are you doing get out of here!" you looked up at her "Thanks for buying me enough time" now charged with enough energy you took off in the blink of an eye. An object tore through the head of the robot like it was made of paper.

The head sparked, then promptly exploded.


Exam done woohoo! *Champagne pops* hope you enjoyed reading this because I sure as hell enjoyed writing it! Ok until next time goodbye! P.S. over 1,400 words ;)

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