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Zada's hostel room was a mess

She herself is a mess

What is she supposed to wear

Should she just wear loose kurti like she wears to college or should she wear something chic??

She groaned as she rummaged through her cupboard again

Why did she even agree to go to this date??

Just because he looked darn adorable while asking her out

Nervous Amar Vedant was a vision to watch

And she simply couldn't say no!!

Damn Zada... He is playboy.

Someone your brothers had warned you off on your first day

But she hadn't seen him with any girls after that first time.

Maybe he still does hangs out with his girlfriends after college

Then why would he ask her out on a date??

Maybe because he finds you a challenge

God!! Why is it so confusing

This brain and heart conflict is so irritating.

She could really feel for her father right now!!

Who will she talk to??


No!! She would confuse her more.

Zada fell onto her bed and looked at the ceiling helplessly


Momma always has solutions for all problems

But how will she talk about going on a date to her momma.

"Chuck it Zada. It's your momma. Who would understand you better??" She told herself and picked her phone and dialed her mother's number

Gauri picked up the call on the third ring

"Hello baby. How are you?? I miss you a lot. When are you three coming home?? Are you eating well?? Did you see your brothers?? Is Zahir troubling you?? How is college??" A barrel of questions came her way as soon the call was picked up

"Mom. Put a break to your Bareilly express. I'm fine. So are your ladla sons. How is everyone at home"

"Fit as a fiddle." Gauri said

"Where is Zera?? Is she sleeping??"

"Your papa has taken her to the park." Gauri said

"At this hour?? It's two in the afternoon mom. It might be so sunny outside" Zada said

"She has the whole family wrapped around her little finger. How can papa say no when his little cutie pie asks for something??" Gauri said sarcastically

"Great. So papa is not home" Zada mumbled but Gauri heard it

"Oh. So my baby wants to talk about something papa is not supposed to know?? What have you done??"

Zada chuckled nervously

"How did you know momma??"

"Momma's are called mommas for a reason. Now tell me what it is??"

Zada took a deep breath

"There is a boy in our college"

"Boy?? Don't tell me you got yourself a boyfriend Zada. You are only twenty. Too young to have boyfriends" Gauri said and Zada rolled her eyes

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