Chapter 7

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After being interrogated, Izuku was sent back to his cell

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After being interrogated, Izuku was sent back to his cell. Left there with his now sore throat, from talking so much, and his racing mind.

He couldn't figure out why he was questioned. He would be leaving tomorrow anyway, so it didn't matter.

Izuku didn't sleep well that night. Like usual. A terrible two hours of sleep, mind too loud to be able to properly pass out. Annoying him greatly.

Estimated to be what Izuku assumed as 6 am, a guard arrived at his cell. Did they really have to move him this early? What a pain.

He didn't feel anything at the relevation of being a legal adult. Not bothering to care that he's eighteen. It didn't matter when hitting that age means he gets transfered to Tartarus.

"Come on" it's the female again. He stands, offers his hands, only to get a shake of the head.

"You don't need to be cuffed, hurry up"

That surprised him. Wasn't he considered dangerous? Needing to be contained? Not that he minded. Walking without cuffs would be more comfortable.

She opened his cell, and he was motioned to follow her. He obliged her silent order, following behind her.

They were going down a different path. A path that he hadn't taken before. Once passing the cell blocks, they went through a door, and everything was new to him.

He hadn't seen these halls before. Was he being taken to a prison bus of sorts? Was it in a different location?

Walking through many different doors. All locked and needing to be opened by a keycard. All looking heavy and hard to open.

Did they need to be that precautions?

It's not his place to question these things.

Thumps echo down the empty hallway, their footsteps that are almost in sync. Seemed to be milliseconds apart from being identical.

They would be less annoying. Wouldn't keep reminding him of where he was heading. At least, where he assumed they were heading.

Finally, they entered through the last door. But he wasn't greeted with a parking lot, or a bus, but a counter with a lobby stretching past it.

Wasn't he getting transported?

"Midoriya" the woman called, having his attention turn towards her. She was holding a plastic bag, the bag being handed to him gently.

He grabs it, tilting his head at the woman. It was wierd when she said his name. She rarely ever addressed him.

Before he could ask anything, she moved towards a door, making him follow. Opening it, he was greeted with chairs, rows of them and a few people present. Not like he payed attention to them.

The whispy mask fell from the woman's face. Seemingly fading from existence. Blue pools filled to the brim with relief, and a soft smile.

What was happening? The guards never showed their faces. Why was she?

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