Ch30 - I feel like I won't die.

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[don't want to move] circled around the tower once before he recalled back to base. In the voice channel, Liao Su shouted: "Those heals were great, Brother Liang! Brother Liang, look over here, there's a Liu Bei~ Who needs your love and care!"

You Liangxing pretended not to hear him and waited for Hou Yi to replenish his health at the base and come back to the bottom lane. Once they gathered, they got ready for another march.

You Liangxing was not certain if it was his own delusion but after the fight with Cheng Yaojin, the play style of [don't want to move] underwent a change. Despite being aware of the fact that his health was meager, he did not seem to treasure his life at all; even if there were three enemies that came calling, he would still dare to rush up to confront the enemy and their defensive measures.

And You Liangxing could only answer to that by manipulating his Cai Wenji to open all her healing abilities, casting it immediately the moment it came off cooldown every time, not daring to relax for even a second.

In front of the allied bottom lane tower, the enemy jungler, middle laner and marksman were all present and Hou Yi shot a series of arrows at them from his position under the tower. It was a three versus two situation and Liao Su's Liu Bei was in the process of coming to provide his support. However, before Liao Su could arrive, [don't want to move] had already initiated the fight against their three opponents.

He opened with his ultimate to root one person, and Cai Wenji cooperated with him by casting a dizzy spell on the opposing marksman, and it bounced onto the enemy jungler as well, stunning him. Meanwhile, Hou Yi continued to kite his enemies; maintaining the optimal distance from the enemy as a marksman. In the situation where he could attack the enemy while the enemy could not even touch him, he laid a continuous assault on them. However, as the entanglement of conflict continued, Hou Yi's health was bound to bottom out, and Cai Wenji was healing him as fast as she could. And once more, under the circumstance where he had a weak state of health, Hou Yi managed to claim the heads of a pair of enemies.

— Two consecutive breaks!

— Three consecutive and decisive victories!

By the time Liao Su reached the bottom lane, the smoke had already cleared and the battle was over.

Shocked, Liao Su said: "No way, that was way too fast!"

[don't want to move] returned back to base again. As of right now, he had yet to die, but he had accumulated four kills. Their teammates issued the 'Well Done!' signal, and Liao Su headed to the middle lane, sighing to himself: "More money, more money."

For a brief moment, You Liangxing was lost in a trance. His intuition was not wrong.

... In this match, [don't want to move] was obviously playing with more aggression.

Prior to this, You Liangxing had played a supporting role for [don't want to move]. However, he usually skewed towards mage heroes who had auxiliary aspects to them, and for the most part, those heroes were not capable of healing where Cai Wenji could. While You Liangxing was not certain of his conjecture, he thought that a possible reason for the restlessness that [don't want to move] was exhibiting might be because his life was now insured.

You Liangxing had to admit that he, too, was... more excitable.

While the description was a little too vague, that was how You Liangxing felt.

The pace of the game was very fast. Not long after, Liao Su harvested three kills in the top and middle lanes, and the difference in the kill scores rose to 12 to 3. Since Liao Su was constantly clearing the jungle, his development in economy was extremely quick. King's Glory was a game where gold determined output, and the one who had gold was the Father. Liao Su laughed out loud, elated: "Come Brother Liang, come, take a proper look!"

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