Chapter 25 - Stripping, Erin?

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That night, Erin slumped over to Hagrid's hut for detention. She had pulled on a top, a long-sleeved shirt, a jumper and a jacket, just in case Hagrid would send her out attending his garden or something along the sorts.

Although she was not looking forward to detention, Erin was in an incredibly good mood. Not only did the kiss with Oliver still catapult her to cloud nine every time she thought about it, her predictions had come true. Meredith had asked Beatrice to be her girlfriend and obviously she had said yes. Beatrice had told her about their date with all details and Erin had never seen her so excited and ... girly. This was good for her.

It did mean that Erin would have to find another person to take to Hogsmeade next week, but maybe she'd just tag along with Michael, Tamsin and Anthony. Hogwarts always planned a Hogsmeade trip on Saturday in the week Valentine's Day would be. Erin had a love-hate relationship with the holiday, which was on a Saturday this year. On one end, she thought it was a little commercial and blown out of proportion, but on the other end she loved the atmosphere that day. It gave students that extra push to ask out their crush and a little reminder for the ignorant boys to tell their girlfriends that they loved them.

Erin had been single for all sixteen times she had experienced the holiday, but the joy of others brought her joy. Beatrice on the other hand hated the holiday, but that sure would be different this year around.

"Oi, Erin!" she heard on her way to the hut. She turned around to see Oliver running up to her. He must have received the same detention as her, which she definitely didn't mind.

"Hey, detention too?" she asked.

"Yeah, Snape's a real arse."

Hagrid was already waiting outside.

"'Ello you two. Come on get in. Is a bit chilly out", he said, welcoming them in his humble, but definitely warm abode. It always smelled weird in the hut, a smell Erin couldn't quite place.

"There's nothin' much to do. Figured Snape'd been givin' out detentions for nothin' again. You can watch Fang for an hour. Have to get some stuff down the village", Hagrid said. There were far worse detentions. Erin glanced over at Fang, who was fast asleep.

"If he wakes up, ya might wanna give'm somet'n to eat. It's the top cabinet", Hagrid continued halfway out of the door already.

"Be back in an hour. Have fun!" Before Erin or Oliver could say anything, he was already out the door.

"Well, dogsitting isn't exactly the worst detention", Oliver chuckled, sitting down on the couch. It was really warm in the cabin and Erin wasn't exactly dressed for these temperatures, so she soon removed her jacket and jumper.

"Stripping, Erin? Don't think that's what Hagrid meant when he said "have fun"", Oliver joked. Erin poked out her tongue and put away the excess clothes. She gave Fang a little pet on his head and sat down next to Oliver.

"Sorry I got you here", Erin said, playing with a loose string on her trousers.

"It's not your fault. Stupid Flint should've minded his own business."

"Well, thanks for sticking up for me either way. You didn't have to."

"You sure didn't need the help", Oliver chuckled. "You seemed to have everything under control."

"No messing with a Hufflepuff", she joked. Oliver stared at her for a while. She looked really pretty in the dim, warm light of Hagrid's hut. Meanwhile, Erin was pondering over whether she should ask him about the kiss or not. She didn't want it to pass, just like that, but bringing it up would guarantee an awkward conversation.

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