Shocking News

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Fred Weasley was running faster than he had ever ran in his whole life. Through all the white doors and looking for any signs of where she would be.

He received an owl about 15 minutes ago that Lacey was at St Mungo's unconscious but no other information.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" He shouted to the receptionist behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, who?"

"Lacey, Lacey Lupin! Please. I need to see her."

"I'm sorry, sir. Only immediate family is allowed in right now," she started saying.

"I'm her boyfriend. Please?"

She looked at the redhead with a sad expression, "I can't."

Fred groaned and turned around. Sitting in the waiting room chair for Remus to arrive so he could allow him access to see her. He was mad, he's known Lacey longer than Remus, yet he wasn't allowed in to see her.

The door opened and a tear streaked Remus Lupin stood there. Fred shook the thoughts out of his head, immediately feeling bad for even thinking that.

"Fred! Have you seen her? Can you take me to her please?" His voice quivering.

"I haven't, they won't let me in. Only immediate family they said."

"That's rubbish. You've known her forever, let's go, son." Remus winked at him.

Fred shot up and they went back to the desk, "I'd like to see my daughter, Lacey Lupin, please," Remus said.

"Right this way, sir. But only immediate family allowed for now," she said, eyeing Fred.

"This is my son, Lacey's brother," he said without missing a beat.

The receptionist gave Remus a knowing look, but allowed the two men to follow her into the room.

Lacey was hooked up to a bunch of machines but she looked fine, just as peaceful as if she was sleeping.

"She had some severe trauma to her head, but everything else is fine. She's just being heavily monitored for any changes, but as for right now there's not too much we can do. We're hoping she'll wake up on her own in the next few days. If not we plan to use magic," the Healer said to them, both men nodded to her, "also," she continued, "the baby is fine as well, very well protected in there as it is very small still. But I thought you'd like to know."

Fred's face paled as Remus slowly turned to him. The Healer left the room but Fred was silently hoping she wouldn't because he didn't want to die.

"Fred.. she's- she's pregnant?" Remus said in a dangerous whisper.

"I didn't know, I had no idea. I would've never left her at that school with Umbridge if I had known. She never told me.."

Remus nodded once to Fred and then the two of them sat in silence. So much was rushing into Fred's head. How would he support a child? The business wasn't even up and running yet. Why didn't Lacey tell him? Did she even know? Would it be a boy or girl? What are they going to name it? How happy (but also furious) was his mum and dad going to be?

There was some nervous butterflies in his stomach, but slowly, he smiled. Sure, this baby wasn't apart of any plans they ever spoke about, but it would be so loved and so well taken care of. He was going to guess that Lacey didn't know yet if she didn't tell him so he started to make a plan on how to tell her they'd be parents.

"Hey, Remus," Fred said getting his old professors attention, "please don't tell anyone that Lacey is pregnant. I don't think she even knows yet.. I kind of wanted to surprise her with the news once she woke up," he said sheepishly.

Remus felt numb. His daughter, his only child, was pregnant at barely 17 years old. He knew she had hopes of becoming a Healer and he hoped that her and Fred would be able to raise this child together and not let the stress get to them. He could see the love that they shared, it was a once in a lifetime type of love. But being so young and having a child was going to be so hard for them.

Remus nodded his head once to show that he understood what he was saying and then left the room.

Fred held Lacey's hand and whispered sweet nothings to her, hoping she'd wake up soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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