chapter 24

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The next morning, Grey woke up with Ariel by his side. He sat up straight on the bed and stared at his soulmate lovingly. He noticed a little scar on her body and it made him agitated as he ran his fingers through it.

“Why are you so angry now?” Ariel murmured with her eyes closed.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up,” Grey said. “You can go back to sleep,” he added softly.

Ariel sighed as she slowly opened her eyes and stared at her soulmate. 

“Why are you angry?” she asked again. 

“Because of this,” Grey said as he pointed at the scar.

Ariel looked down at what Grey was pointing towards and frowned a little. 

“This is making you angry?” Ariel asked. 


“This is so small and it does not even mean anything. It's not even noticeable,” Ariel said.

“It is noticeable,” Grey said. “I noticed it,” he added.

“It's because you are my soulmate and you will notice every single thing wrong with my body,” Ariel said. “And I like that,” she added softly.

Grey smiled at her. “You are so adorable,” he said, smiling. 

Ariel smiled at him as they were both lost in the moment. They spoke and laughed about random things.

“Let's go take a bath,” Ariel said as she stood up from the bed and pulled Grey with her. They closed the door behind them and took a quick shower before they exited the bathroom and went downstairs.

Grey searched for his mother in the living room but he could not find her.

Ariel observed what Grey was doing. 

“Are you searching for your mother?” Ariel queried. 

Grey nodded his head. 

“Should I go to her room?” he asked Ariel.

Ariel quickly shook her head. “You should let her be for now. If she is going to tell you everything that is going on, she will need time,” she said.

“That's the prime reason why I'm worried that she's not here. I do want to know everything that is going on, however, I don't want to pressurize my Mom anymore,” Grey said.

“Since she said she will tell you herself, simply leave it to her,” Ariel said. “Stop getting yourself labored up,” she added.

Grey nodded his head and followed Ariel's lead as they both sat down on the couch. Grey rested his head on Ariel's shoulder and Ariel wrapped her arms around him.

Elena walked into the living room and locked eyes with her daughter. She looked down at Grey who was not conscious of her presence.

“Is he alright?” she mouthed to her daughter. 

“No,” Ariel mouthed back 

Elena nodded her head. “I will be in the kitchen,” she said as she pointed to the way of the kitchen.

Ariel nodded her head and watched her Mom leave. Her Mom understood that her soulmate needed her more. 

Breakfast was served and the entire family ate in silence. Grey expected his mother to show up over the course of breakfast, however, she never did.

After breakfast, Grey went upstairs to his Mom's room and knocked softly on the door.

“Come in, son,” Anna said instantly because she was waiting for her son.

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