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    "BEST OF LUCK MY DEAR", MADAME MAXIME WORRIED AS VICTORIA JUST SMILED. the professors had swiftly left as the four contestants were once again left alone in their tent.

"how're you feeling victoria?", harry asked, sitting beside the calm girl.

"I'm feeling quite swell. you?"

"just fine", harry lied, though the sweat that slowly rolled down his forehead said otherwise.

victoria just chuckled and patted harry's head, making the boy slightly flinch.

"don't worry harry. you'll do perfect. you'll definitely make it to the last round", victoria smiled, trying her best to contain her excitement.

     "LET'S WELCOME VICTORIA MILLICENT NOIR!", lee jordan announced.

victoria then patted harry's shoulder as she walked out the tent in her usual baby blue dress uniform and shawl, without the beret of course.

many wondered if it was appropriate attire for the girl to be fighting a welsh green dragon, but nonetheless, they were there for the show.

     as soon as victoria stepped onto the rocky field in her polished black shoes, she whipped out her wand: a white and fine-grained aspen wood with the core of a basilisk scale.

"immobolus!", victoria casted, making the dragon freeze in its spot before it even had the chance to attack her.

victoria then calmly casted the hardening charm at the dragon's feet, now securing it to the ground and just to be safe, a dark charm, "oscausi", to secure the dragon's mouth so that it couldn't breathe fire.

victoria's mood had suddenly deflated a bit, as she was hoping the dragon would put up more of a fight.

nevertheless, the girl stretched her hand out, and with a quick "accio", the golden egg flew to her palm, making the crowd in shock at how easy she had conquered the beast.

     as victoria exited the field, it was harry's turn to enter, fighting the most ferocious dragon of all.

victoria would've stayed to watch, however, the girl was a bit preoccupied by a letter that was placed on the counter of her tent.

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