Chapter 9 - Hero To The Rescue!

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(Third Person Pov)

Elsa was staring down at Y/n with a sadistic smile as if she had just won a big prize that she would surely enjoy.

Y/n on the other hand... Was shaking visibly due to his fear of death. Something that he didn't think would appear today.

Elsa: "Now then... Shall we start?"

His eyes widened even more as he struggled to get away from her, only to feel the coldness from his left leg, while his right was bleeding.

Elsa licked her lips and was smiling at how her prey was trying to escape from her. Suddenly, several ice spikes were launched at her as she dodged it with ease.

While distracting by the silver-haired half-elf's barrage of attacks, Subaru used this chance to quickly help Y/n and get him to a safer place that they can protect him from.

Subaru: 'Please don't die, don't die, don't die. You've promised me not to die before me, Y/n!'

Back at where the silver-haired girl was relentless attacking Elsa. She became angry and guilty at what she had just done.

Elsa: "You know, for once, I'm feeling quite annoyed today. Not only did I let one witness escape, but I also got my meal disrupted."

Satella?: "Sorry, but I won't let you kill him and eat his eyes today. I won't forgive you for what you have done."

Elsa: "For what I have done? But wasn't it also your fault for firing at me with those small magic tricks of yours?"

That sentence hit her painfully as when she lost her insignia. Glaring at the black-clothed woman, she continues her assault.

As they continued fighting each other, Subaru opened the bag that Y/n owe and search through it.

Subaru: 'Come on! Come on! It must be here somewhere!'

Searching through his friend's bag, Subaru managed to find a mini first aid kit. Opening the bag, he started to treat Y/n's injury on his right leg first.

Y/n: "Ughh! Subaru... I can't feel my left leg anymore..."

With heavy breathing from Y/n, Subaru moved his hand to Y/n's head and suddenly felt like he was touching fire.

Subaru: "Woah! Your forehead is really hot! Jeez, what should I do, what should I do..."

Continuing on treating him, Y/n felt his vision was getting blurry as his eye bags were getting heavier by seconds.

Subaru: "Y-Y/n? Y/n, stay with me! Don't close your eyes!"

Those words didn't manage to reach him as he slowly closed his eyes. Subaru tried to stop and make him awake, but there was no response. Not to mention his breathing...

He did whatever he could before leaving Y/n's body to heal themselves. He was able to remove most of the ice, but it also leads to a hole in Y/n's left leg, which he quickly took care of by wrapping it up in bandages.

Taking the giant club, Subaru glared at Elsa while pointing his weapon at her.

Subaru: "I finally remembered why I'm here, to being with. I'll kill you, you shitbag! I won't let you hurt anyone else anymore! I'll blow you away and get... A happy ending!"

Elsa: "Seems you have a bit too much energy."

Subaru: "You black window!"

Now both of them were clashing with each other, fighting for two different goals they wanted to archive tonight.

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