The Beginning (2)

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At that exact moment when I finished my sentence at that exact moment there he was, James stood there looking straight at me, we inadvertently made direct eye contact….I knew at that moment it made no sense to run because he would’ve used his ability and most likely would’ve caught me, even though it was stupid I tried anyway and for the first time I was actually happy for the way the school was built like a place for monkeys and I was luckily very agile but then…..~wait am I forgetting something….oh yeah, his ability is literally orangutan…OMFG~ he was right behind me like it was no sweat for him, I expected no less he wouldn’t back down even if it was to save his own life. I got cornered, he and all his friends were there, staring at me like hungry lion who had spotted an injured zebra and before I knew it they were within strike range to hit me if they wanted but instead they hesitated…Kyle: ”yo James what should we do to him…how about we beat him up then leave him in the dumpster?” Dominick: ”nah how bout we just leave him in the bathroom, in there’s pretty nasty since the janitors refuse to clean it because of the smell and pee all over the floor" and then James just pulled out his phone and videoed me knowing that I was fearing for my safety he took advantage of my cowardice. Then there she was…Gwen *the cute girl he likes* showed up to my rescue, even though she was a girl she kinda looked more like she had more of a killer instinct than the guys even though I was really only afraid of Kyle and James; I couldn’t afford to get beaten to a pulp or stabbed, ~I wonder…doesn’t that hurt sure he can break his bones and  move them to create “claws" or whatever but doesn’t it hurt~, why can’t you pick on someone your own size instead of us younger kids, your 18 for f*ck sake; it’s like you’re the one with no parents so you never learned manners” she said not caring about the fact that she was outnumbered and they were seniors but she wasn’t alone Jake was there too and surprisingly they left and without a word too. “Thanks Gwen, you too Jake" “It’s cool K you know I’d always  come to your help man, we’re bestfriends for reason man" “No problem…Kalvin” “Wait how do you know my name, did I tell you at any point cuz ion remember anything at all….in fact it feels like a half day" “Nah, Jake told me, I’ve heard a lot about you" “All good I hope hehe" “K let’s get going, feels like we’ve been at school  too long man even tho that makes sense since we don’t really have friends aside from each other”.
“So Gwen tell me about yourself" “Well Kal, oh by the way do you mind me calling you Kal" “Not at all" “Ok so I’m actually new here I’m from Iodolla, about 5 hours away from here if there’s no traffic and your driving fast, my parents and I moved because mom said we were constantly being followed…she actually got scared so she thought it would be smart to move somewhere more populated like here but quite frankly just the students here outnumber everyone in Iodolla…I miss home but if it’s for my safety I’d rather stay here….plus I met two super cool guys today" J:”really who are they?” “Well you two ofcourse hehe" “Well I wouldn’t say were cool but thanks, oh by the way, what’s your power, I’m guessing wolverine” “kinda close actually grizzle bear, both of my bears actually, so I guess inevitably this is my power, oh btw what are your powers and what kind do your parents have" “I……have none actually, neither parents or powers but I do know taekwondo hehe, only wish I could’ve defend against super strength or something unfortunately knowing a few moves and being a red belt doesn’t really help against speed and strength but atleast am smart right?? Haha (akward talking and not knowing what to say), so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Gwen, oh yeah walk this route with us to school tomorrow” “ok, bye” *Gwen leaves* “Looks like someone’s got a crush on Gweeeen, but it’s kl, I’ll back off man she’s just a friend to me" “Dude was it that obvious (slightly embarrassed)” “Ofcourse man lmao, your never this open about your parents with anyone except me, that reminds me, you still plan to infiltrate the government and get info about your parents…” “yeah….there’s no way in hell I’m going to let another year pass without me knowing about them” “Aiite man, anything for you, but just know we could get life in prison for this" “well we just have to not get caught…taekwondo ain’t the only martial art I studied" “I know, you might be powerless but your hands are lethal weapons, sure I’m fast but I can’t go in a head to head fight with you, which is why I wonder why you get beat up by James everyday" “I have to maintain a certain image or else their gonna know who I am"

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