Chapter 41:

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Alexandra's p.o.v:

This was harder then it seem, having to tell Raymond was not easy at all, every time I tired, he was either rushing off to work, or was busy with something whether it was important or not. I was getting mad at this point, I wanted to throw my pregnancy's test at him, and trust me I almost had, if Nina hadn't walked in and stopped me at the last moment. I was slowly starting to go crazy, the last I checked I was 3 months pregnant, I was about to be 4 months in a one week. I I knew I had to tell him before I started to show, I mean if you look closely you can start to see a small bump if I wear tight fitting close, the good thing was that I was wearing t shirts a lot so you couldn't really tell, and we slept with a pillow between us and Raymond thought nothing of it, when he would hug me I always put of arm in the way, so he wouldn't notice, and he hadn't. Raymond had said something about having a new deal and that was taking most of there time up, it must be a big one if they get home late, and that was another thing, all the siblings were coming home around 10 pm, and be gone by 8 am, and I was once again left alone in the house, I'm  asleep by the time Raymond gets in bed, and he didn't like waking me up, so he would just kiss me and go to work. I felt out of place, I had read so many books, that I could open my own library, so I did the only thing left to do, I would seek out and go for a walk at the market, without having to hide who I was, so I changed into jeans and a blue t shirt and black vans, I took some of my money and left the credit cards that Raymond had given me, so he could trace me. I walked out, to the garden acting like I was walking around, the guards surrounding the house had a blind spot behind the trash cans close to the side gate leading to the open road, so has soon has no one was looking I made a run for it, I made it I slowed down once I was far enough from the house, I did it, I had successfully snuck out, it was about a  20 minute walk to get to market place, I loved the feeling of being able to walk around and not worry about being caught, I walked around and looked at the cute things, people had to sell, I ended up buying new books, I also brought  some sweets, I was having a good time, when my phone started ringing . I picked it up without looking who was calling me. "Hello" I said. "WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU" yelled my husband at me. I froze, my body turning cold, "How do you" I asked. "ALEXANDRA MESSI, YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO TELL ME WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" he yelled back. "First thing, first don't yell at me, now did you know I wasn't in the house anymore" I asked. "I GOT A CALL SAYING, MY WIFE WASN'T IN THE HOUSE ANYMORE, THAT SHE WENT FOR A WALK AND NEVER CAME BACK TO THE HOUSE, ALEXANDRA THE WHOLE HOUSE IS IN A PANIC, AFTER THEY COULDN'T FIND YOU" he kept on yelling. "I'm okay, nothing bad happen to me, I" but he cut me off. "LISTEN, SOMEONE COMING TO PICK YOU UP, STAY WERE YOUR AT, DON'T MOVE" he said mad. I couldn't talk to him anymore so I hung up the phone, tears filled my eyes, I went to sit on a near by bench, and waited, meanwhile my phone kept ringing I looked down and saw that Raymond was calling me, I hit the declined button, if all he was going to do was yell at me, then I didn't want to talk to him. about five minutes later a black suv, pulled up in front me, I got up and a guard got out to open the door for me, I got in without fighting, "Were sorry Mrs. Messi, we have a job to do" He said. That only made me cry, I buckled myself and held the bag I had brought and had my things in and hugged it to my chest. I cried the whole way home, I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. Once we got to the house I looked up and saw Raymond pacing back and forth in front of the door, as soon has he saw us pull up, he ran and opened my door before roughly opening my door, he reached in for me and unbuckled me, and got me out of the car, "WHY DID YOU HANG UP ALEXANDRA, WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU" he yelled at me. "I don't wan to argue with you, please calm down" I told him trying to step away from him. "Alexandra this is serious, you left, you snuck out" He said still mad. "I know but, I didn't think it was a big deal, I thought has long as I wasn't since with you it was okay" I told him. "ALEXANDRA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I WAS WORRIED SICK, YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD SOMEONE" he yelled. Okay now your getting me mad, I know I shouldn't be stressing but at this moment, but he was getting me mad, "WHY RAYMOND, SO THEY COULD CALL YOU, AND YOU GET MAD JUST LIKE YOU ARE NOW, YOU WOULD HAVE SAID NO, YOUR OVERACTING RAYMOND" I yelled. "WELL I'M SORRY I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU, ALEXANDRA YOU DON'T KNOW THE CITY LIKE THAT, YOU COULD HOW GOTTEN LOST, OR HURT, THEN WHAT ALEXANDRA" he yelled back. At this point it was who could scream louder, "LISTEN THIS ISN'T GOING TO FIX ANYTHING, US YELLING AT EACH OTHER, I WANTED TO EXPLORE AND GET FRESHING AIR, I WANTED TO GO OUT FOR ONCE AND NOT HAVE TO HIDE, WHO I WAS, IS THAT SUCH A BAD THING" I yelled at him, tears filling my eyes. "YOUR ACTING LIKE A CHILD, STOP IT" he once again yelled. I stopped and looked at him in shock, had he really said that, I looked at him and let, my tears roll down my face, I was done talking to him, I pulled away from him and ran inside the house, I kept going up the stairs until a found an empty bedroom and locked myself inside, I slide down the door and cried, what had gotten into him, why had he acted that way, I get that he maybe stressed about work but, it wasn't a reason to take it out on me, I was mad more then anything, so much for wanting to tell  him about our baby, this made me not want to tell him anything, imagine, if I would've told him I was pregnant, he would lock me up until it was time to deliver the baby. The next thing I heard was foot steps coming my way, and a pounding at the door. "Alexandra open the door" Raymond said. "No, I don't want to to talk or see you at the moment" I said back, your stressing me out I thought to myself. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain, I let out a groan in pain, my hands flew to my stomach. "Alexandra are you okay" Raymond asked worried. Oh now your worried, "I'm fine go away, go back to work, I won't open the door, leave me alone" I cried out. After that I heard no more noise, I laid down on the bed, and took a deep breathe to calm myself, and called Doctor Leslie, "Hello, my child, how are you doing" she asked in a cheerful voice. "Hi, I'm okay, or at least I think so, I'm calling you to ask you if everything's okay, I got into a disagreement with Raymond and I felt a sharp pain" I said. "Oh dear, are you bleeding" she asked. "No, I'm not" I said back. "Okay everything should be okay, as long has your not bleeding, if you do then call me and rush to the hospital, tell him to back off, he should know that's wrong to do" she said. "I haven't told him yet" I whispered. "Dear child, that's even worse, but if that's your wish then so be it, I want you in my office tomorrow morning, okay, but for the rest of the day, stay away from Raymond and rest, don't get up unless you need to and if the pain comes or if you bleed" she said. "Okay, I'll have to find way out of the house, you see, I snuck out of the house and they caught me that's why we argued" I said. "Oh Alexandra, leave it to me, I'll call you in the morning, with the plan. now rest" she said. We both said good bye and hung up, after that I got cozy and fell asleep. I woke up much later in the day, the sun had already set, I sat up and checked the time it was  eight pm, I heard Nina asking me if she could come in, I slowly got up and opened the door. "Hi Alexandra my aunt called me and told me what happened, I'm sorry Alexandra, we should have seen that you wanted to get out of the house" she said holding a bowl of chicken noddle soup . "I know what I did was wrong, but I was being careful I promise I didn't think Raymond would react like that" I said. "Did you know he left the meeting, when he got the call saying you went missing, he shot up and ran out, and didn't tell us anything, it wasn't until my aunt called me and told me what happened" She said. "Look I'm sorry about what I did, but your brother just yelled at me, I was fine, no one knows what I am to him, or what I look like, so I didn't think it was a big deal to be honest" I told her. "Okay but your pregnant, have you thought of that" she asked. "Yes I did, but I haven't told him yet, that's why I hide in here from him, because we both started yelling at each other, and I felt a sharp pain, but that happened once I was in here, and I panicked and called your aunt, and now she wants to see me tomorrow" I said, taking the bowl and eating. "I know that much, she asked me to get you out of the house, without running into my brother, before he stresses you out more, but for now lets not talk about my brother and get you worked up again, we need you relaxed and calm, so nothing happens to your baby" she said, turning on the tv and putting on the nightmare before Christmas, she asked if I wanted any snacks, because we were having our own sleep over, I asked her for chocolate ice cream with strawberries and gummy bears. Once she came back, she told me that Raymond wanted to talk to me but she had told him no and that tomorrow we had go to town, since I wasn't feeling good, because of him, I kind of felt bad, but I couldn't worry about his feeling right now, until I knew our baby was okay and well. I soon eat the food that Nina brought and watched two more movies before falling asleep, the next morning we both woke up to knocking on the door, I sat up and Nina went to open the door. "I came to apologize to Alexandra, can I come in" he asked. "No she's still sleeping, I'll let her know you came by" Nina told him. "Nina, please let me in" he said. She turned back to look at me, and I nodded my head and let him in and Nina left to get ready for the day. "Good morning, I have to go out, don't worry I'll stay with Nina and be sure not to be seen, by anyone" I said not meeting his eyes. He came to sit next to me, and I quickly put a pillow in front of me, "Are you that mad at me that you won't even hug now" he said. I shook my head in disagreement, "Then why are you in here and not our room" he asked. "I don't know" I said. "Alexandra I was worried" he said. "I know you were, but you yelled, you could have hurt our" I said but stopped myself. "Hurt our what, Alexandra" he asked. "Our relationship" I answered.  "Alexandra I was worried about you, is that a bad thing" he said. "No, of course not, but to be honest you over reacted, that's what I'm trying to tell you Raymond, I was fine, nothing was going on, I doing fine, now please go, your getting me worked up and that's the last thing I need right now" I said. "So that's it your not trying, to talk to me" He said. "Yes right now, I don't want to, right now it's not going to work, if we both start to yell at each other, maybe later, but right now I have somewhere to be" I said. "Fine then, I'll go with you both" He said. "No, don't you have to go to work, your always gone by this time" I said, "I'm used to waking up alone" I added. "Are you really" He asked looking upset.  "Look I love you, I'm not mad anymore, now go to work and I'll see you once you come back, and we'll talk all you want, okay" I said. I got out of bed, being careful not, to make any harsh movement, he then came and helped, me up, thank you" I said. "Look at me" he said. So I did and he kissed me, "Be careful and I'll see you at lunch" he said, before leaving the room. Once he closed the door, I want pressed my hands to my stomach, this was going to be a long day, I got my self ready, and went down stairs to wait for Nina, once we ready, we both got into her car, and made our way to the doctors office, we went through the back, and found doctor Leslie waiting for us. "Good morning girls" she said. We both greeted her, and went into one of the rooms and got started. "How do you feel" she asked me. "I'm okay, now I felt no pain last night" I said. "That's good to know, but I must remind you not to stress yourself, this early in your pregnancy, you can still miscarriage and we don't want that, which means it maybe time to tell Raymond, just to be on the save side" I told me. I nodded at her, and after a quick check up on me and the baby, we found out everything was okay and hearing the babies heartbeat, we were okay, but I had to be on bedrest for a month, which means for he next month, I couldn't do much of anything, and now I had to tell Raymond, I would do it, when he came for lunch. "Okay, sweetie go tell your husband, and try not to overwork yourself, stay in bed and take care" she said before letting me go. We drove home, and Nina helped me up stairs and into our room, I got in bed and asked her to get my pregnancy test and the results, as soon has he came home, I would tell him.... I while I waited, I fell asleep and woke up to Nina coming in to the room and a whole tray of food, I sat up and thanked her. "Before you ask, yes, my brother is on his way home, and I told him, you have to be on bed rest for a month, to which he started to freak out and now he demands to know what's wrong with his wife, and why hasn't anyone told him anything, because my mom let it slip, that we know what's really going on with you" she said. "Oh gosh, well that just made me, a lot more nervous, I mean, how do you tell the love of your life, that your going to have a baby in a few months, like hey, hello by the way I'm about to be 4 months pregnant, and that I have to be on bed rest for the next month, because I felt a sharp pain yesterday, but not to worry, luckily our baby's okay" I said panicking. "Alexandra" Nina said. But I kept going, "Nina, I don't want Raymond to be mad that I hided this big news from him, but every time I tried something came up, I never got the chance, until now that I have no choice but to tell him, I wanted this to be special, I mean this is our first child together, and to be honest I'm tired of hiding my growing bump, from him, Nina I love him but I'm scared to tell him" I said. All of sudden, we hear a thump and look at the door and see a pale looking Raymond, he looks at me and the next thing I know Raymond's on the ground past out. 






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