call the banners

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What exactly is your purpose here, Greyjoy?" Joanna spat as she took witness upon Theons advances upon Osha. Theon looked to her in frustration and anger as he released Oshas chin forcefully.

"That doesn't concern you, princess." His voice spat venom, reminding her more and more that he had no intentions of respecting her as anything besides Robbs betrothed. Joanna was starting to show more of herself now. She was still kind but she would make it very clear that shes not to be disrespected.

"No it's not. Although I do think Lady Stark would be displeased by your behaviour to our guests when she returns. After all werent you taught by Ned Stark that respect and honour is what you give, even to the foulest foes." She remarked

Theon huffed as he stormed out of the stables leaving the two women alone. Oshas life had been spared and now she served house Stark. She owed the merciful princess her life. Joanna approached the wilding woman as crouched down offering to help pick up the hay strings.

"I apologize. You'll have to ignore his behaviour."

"It's fine m'lady. I've been raised around men far worse than him. Men that would eat him for breakfast and use his bones to pick their teeth with. "Osha smirked to the blonde woman on her knees aiding her. Joanna gnawed on her lip. She had the opportunity to ask it but her memory of it was that – she wold be seen as a child. A child whos head was filled with the stories a Septa would tell her as a child but she just had to.

"Osha, I must – you are a Wildling. From my knowledge and understanding the Wildlings live North of the Wall. How is it your travelled this far South? Why Winterfell?"

"We didn't want to stop here m'lady. We meant to go farther." She replied as she avoided eye contact with Joanna.

"Why? "Joanna whispered, her blue eyes sparkling brighter. Oshsa's skin grew pale – well paler than it already was from the gold. She blew a strand of her frizzled hair out of her eyes as her hand rested on her lap.

"There are things beyond the wall your pretty head couldnt even dream of. Giants, spiders as large as horses. Can't you feel it m'lady? The days are getting colder. Winter is coming and we are not ready to survive. No Wildling or Southerner is ready for Winter."

"Well, I'm sure if we prepare our sources – "

"I'm not talking about cows and blankets. We're not ready for the ones that bring the storms." Joannas eyes widened in realisation what Oshas words meant. She was ignorant enough to refer to cattle but she knew the truth.

"The ones you speak of, as child I was told they died thousands of years ago."

"The didn't die. They went to sleep and now – now theyre awake. And they mean to bring the winter with them. Theres a storm coming. I hope for our sake you Southerns will be ready when it does."

Joanna sat in her chambers. Brushing her blonde strands idely. The knock on the door breaking her train of thought from the conversation she had with Osha. She turned to see Robb stand in the doorway. His face worried her – It was struck with shock and grief.

"Robb, whats wrong?"

"I need to talk to you." He replied. Stepping into her room. He removed the scroll from his back as he handed it to her. It was sealed with a stamp – one only she would recognize. A mocking bird. Theres only one person with this seal.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this Joanna but your father died. "Joannas face stayed stoic at the news. Robb was surprised that she showed no emotion but then again he knew the nature of their relationship.

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