2.1 Let's Go To Tokyo!!

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Thank you all so much for waiting!!!
I hope you're looking forward to Sundays again!

If you didn't already know, I posted updates of all of the previous chapters, and I would be really grateful if you read those! (I recommend the read-aloud feature on FanFiction.Net or using some other, separate text-to-speech app, just to save some time and energy.)

I also posted an announcement on my profile, so please check that out!!

Be sure to reread chapters 1.11 and 1.19 in particular; I added brand new scenes!!!

Thanks again for not forgetting about this book!

Now presenting... Season 2!!!

(Long chapter ahead!)


They divided the team in half to play red versus white.

Red Team: Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi.

White Team: Daichi, Tanaka, Kinoshita, Narita, Kageyama, and Hinata.

Coach Ukai stood at the net with a whistle. Ai took notes behind the white team, in position for any judgment calls, and Kiyoko was standing on the side.

Ai was delighted to see that they were already incorporating her advice into the practice matches. Narita and Kinoshita were very focused on receiving and connecting the ball that Asahi spiked past the first-year blocks. Tsukishima's feint was effective, Nishinoya was as fabulous as always, and Hinata was just about getting over his traumatic match point.

The white team won the fourth set, 23-25.

When Hinata and the others wanted to play more, Coach Ukai was about to give into them. However, Ai objected.

"No, you don't." She stepped up to them in her summer uniform. It consisted of an identical skirt, but made with lighter material, and a short-sleeved white button-up. She had taken off her ribbon and opened the front of her shirt to expose her collarbones.
Ai confiscated the blue and yellow volleyball to pause the game.

"What? Why not, Ai-senpai?" Hinata whined.

"Yeah! My Rolling Thunder is ready to go!" Nishinoya posed and showed off his biceps.

"I meant, after a short break." She gave them a hopeless look. "I need to check that you're not overworking or tearing your muscles."

The two first and second-years pouted but agreed. Placing the ball on the floor for now, Ai ran around the court, massaging their arms and calves. "Let me know if anything hurts."

They all had sublime muscles, especially the third-years and people who she'd asked to start working out. Although heavy muscles were sometimes a burden for jumping high, there were adequate benefits to gaining more strength.

She poked and prodded at them until she was convinced they were fine. When it was Tsukishima's turn, Ai frowned at his thin arm and held his bicep. "Flex, Kei."

He did, and although it was better than before, she was still a little worried. "That's it. I'm bringing you smoothies and drinks so you can get more nutrients." She fixed his sleeve and kissed it quickly. She didn't think much of it; she just... did.

However, it left tallest club member with a red blush.

"Next, Tobio."

He was doing much better. He'd told her that he had dumbbells in his room and would use them every day.

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