Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Katy's POV

"ARGH!" I yelled out and sat up on the bed.

"Baby what's wrong?" Zach groaned and asked with concern, as he got out of bed and sat next me on the bed.

"I don't know, I uh had a bad dream." I replied, I was shaking and breathing heavy.

"Katy are you alright? Your shaking and your breathing so heavy it's sounds like you just saw a ghost." Zach asked.

"I need to speak to doctor Jones. Now!" I said as I got of of bed and got dressed in some sweats and a grey t-shirt.

"Not now. It's 12:30 in the morning." Zach said as he got out of bed as well.

"No now. His usually awake until 1:00 in the morning." I replied to Zach.

"No Katy not now please. Do it in the morning." Zach said and left no room for argument.

"Fine." I wasn't happy with my answer, but whatever floats his stubborn boat. 

I laid back into the bed and shut my eyes. Again I fell into a deep sleep. 

"ZACH!!!" I screamed out as I saw his dead body on the ground. I ran towards him and held him in my arms. "ZACH WAKE UP! YOUR GOING TO BE FINE." I yelled. "Please Zach I need you." I cooed in his ear as tears were sliding down my face.
End of Dream"

I sat back on bed, once again I was shaking and breathing heavily. I was sweating and it felt like the sun was an inch away from me. I was burning up. I jumped out of bed and walked outside. The cool breeze hit my body and I felt my body cooling off. 

"Enjoying the breeze too." I heard someone say behind me. It was Jordan.

"Yeah." I said and smiled at him.

"I've missed talking to your stubborn head." Jordan said and walked up next too me.

"Your one to call me stubborn." I chuckled at him.

"Katy.." Jordan spoke nervously.

"Yeah Jordan." I replied.

"Can you feel our mate bond becoming stronger?" Jordan asked me and then held my hand in his.

Tingles shot up my arm and ran through my body. It felt like 4th of July in my body. My wolf purred with happiness, me on the other hand I felt weird. I was lost. I had 3 boys that I loved dearly, and I had to choose between them. Not including Alex of course. Jordan.. Zach and Drew. I loved each of them, but who did I want to spend the rest of my life with? That was the real question.

"Yes.." I replied plainly.

"I wish we could just be together. You know without any complications." Jordan said as sadness took over his facial features. 

I honestly didn't know how to reply. I wanted to be with him don't get me wrong, but I also wanted to be with Zach and Drew. 

"Yeah same." I finally managed to get out with sigh.

Jordan tightly put his hand around my waist and I rested my head on his chest. 

"Well we should really get to sleep." Jordan finally said. Sleep mean dreaming and dreaming means shaking, heavy breathing, sweating and burning. I had forgotten about that. I guess being around Jordan made all of my worries disappear.

"Fuck." I cursed, forgetting that I hadn't told anyone about what happened to me.

"What's wrong?" Jordan asked me. He moved his hand from my waist and spun me around so that I was facing him and looking into his eyes.

I let out a light groan of frustration and terror. "Okay you can't tell anyone yet. I'm going to speak too doctor Jones about this but still keep this between us." I said with a lot of terror. Jordan nodded and gave me a smile.

I spent about 20 minutes explaining to Jordan about how I dreamt of Zach dying and how my body was shaking and burning and sweating. I told him everything and left out no detail. I was very hesitant at first but I was glad I told him. 

"I honestly think it has to do with me being the Royal Wolf. In those yellow papers that docot Jones gave me. On the very last page it said something. I ripped the last page out and hid it because I didn't want anyone to know. It said something about me dreaming the future. I could only dream it if it effected someone I loved. It was something like that. That's also why i need to talk to doctor Jones." I told Jordan again I was a bit hesitant at first.

"I'll come with you to talk to doctor Jones." Jordan said and gave me a genuine and honest smile.

"Thanks Jords, I appreciate it." I smiled back. I really did appreciate it, I was a bit nervous about what doctor Jones would say and how he would react. It would really help if Jordan came with me. 

Jordan and I walked back inside the house and I went back to mine and Zach's room. As I walked into the room I was trying to be really quite (Key Word: Trying). Being the clumsy wolf I am, I was walking to my side of the bed when I tripped over my suitcase. There was a loud thud on the wooden floor boards.

"Dammit Katy. Are you ok?" Zach said still half asleep.

I quickly jumped up and dusted myself off. "Fine and sorry." I said 

"Where were you?" Zach asked with a lot of curiosity.

"I know what your thinking. But I wasn't with doctor Jones ok. I was with Jordan I was talking to him about Christy." I lied to Zach. I was with Jordan but I was talking about my 'dreams'. 

"Right..." Zach said not trusting what I was saying.

I walked up to Zach and kissed his perfectly full pink lips. "Good night baby." Zach replied with a husky voice and then fell back asleep. "Good night." I whispered in his ear and then placed a kiss on this flawless cheek. 


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