Chapter 38

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Toono's pov

Ah finally I made it! With a minute to spare, I almost thought I would be late in class today. I guess I overslept cause of what happened yesterday at the restuarant. "Toono-kun! Over here!" "Yuu-kun,what's up?" "Didn't you know?" "Know what?" "About Harada's arrival, Tamura-kun announced it this morning and now Akemi-san is planning to throw her a party." Oh so that's why, these guys are really heads over heels for her. "Come on! Let's help the others decorate." "Sure."

Wow they sure do like her so much. I mean look at these decoration, must've cost so much. As soon as Yuu opened the door, I was already greeted with a tons on balloons. "Ne, Tamura-kun the balloons are floating away! I told you to hold them!" "I asked Yuri to do it."  "Floaty!!" Gosh! This will be a disaster. "Great! You two are here! Come help us will you."

Harada's pov.

I'm so excited already! I can't wait to see them again. I quickly made my way to the car. "Excited are we?" "Yes!" I took out my phone and texted Tamura. I hope he got my message  soon. Oh he texted back!

Tamura's pov

"Hey did someone saw the table cloth?" "Nope!" "Well did you try looking for it?" "AUGH!" Hm! They really do outdone themselves. 'Ding!' Hm? Wonder who could that be? Its from Harada. "Ne? Tamu-kun stop scrolling through your phone and help!" "I got a message." "From who?" "Harada." "Wait! You've got a message and we don't. Unfair!" "Its ok dear." "WHAA? WHERE?" "I wanna see~" "Woah! Really?" "Yuu help me here!" "Here." I showed them my phone. "Hm, I'm glad that she's ok. But its still kinda unfair that she texted you and not us." "Psh! Get over it. So what should I say?" "Hm, ask her if she's ok." "Tell her I said hi." "Tell her to bring me some souvenir." "Me misses Harada~" "Tell her to have a safe trip." "I still need some help here." Hm? What should I say? Oh I know! "There!" "Well what did you say?" I only smirked at them and said. "Its a secret." And walk off continuing what I was doing earlier.

Time skip:

Its almost 3 at the noon now. Where the f*** is she? Most of the guys are sleeping now. Except for me. She still hasn't replied on my text yet. Maybe she's stuck on traffic,I don't know. That's when a car parked near the gates. And that's when she came. "GUYS! She's here!" "She's what?" "Gosh! I haven't brushed my teeth yet." "Oh no!" "I still need help lifting this thing!" "Calm down." "Shhh! I think that's her."

And boom Cliffhanger! Guys I know I've been gone for about two weeks I think. And I'm sorry I've been procrastinating and yeah. Being a writer isn't something I've dreamed off actually and I'm just happy that you're liking my story so far. So thinking of a plot that will make you like my story more is hard. But I'm still trying so hard to actually brainstorm another plot for the next chapter. To get that blood flowing y'know? Its like your riding a ride from a carnival that's so scary but the same time its really enjoyable and fun. I want my readers to experience that. Anyway for those who read my story since the beginning. I'm assuming that you knew I don't write a freaking long chapter cause I'm lazy af. So yeah take care and stay safe!! Until next update!

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