Time loop

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They still have the Avengers tower in this.

In this kind of time travel, instead of there being two of them, they kinda turn into their past form so there's not double people. Like they go back in time, they get what they want, and time zooms forward without changing anything else. Does that make sense?

Meh ask me if ya don't understand something I might have an answer lmao :)


Peter was done.

He missed Tony, so much. God, he couldn't take it anymore.

The whole Beck thing with his identity getting out happened a few months ago. He and May moved in right after, knowing it would make them feel safer. She still went to work but Peter couldn't leave the house without someone either trying to kill him, or riots going after him, or people throwing things at him.

His life was going downhill and it just wasn't right without Tony.

Morgan would have to go without her dad the rest of her life, Pepper would be without the love of her life, Rhodey lost his best friend, it went on. Tony impacted to many lives of his friends and strangers in many more ways than he thought. He always put others before himself yet somehow people had the nerve to say he was heartless.

He couldn't just sit here and go on with his day knowing there was another way.

He couldn't just move on, Tony didn't when he died. Tony created time travel for him. Well, that's what Pepper told him.

Peter read all of Tony's old notes and made sure not to miss a thing. After about two months of work, he got the machine finished. He also made a watch that controlled it and the time he chose to go to. He hid it in Tony's old workshop, knowing no one went in there anymore. It was programmed to give him one chance to get Tony and if it didn't work, it sent him back. He even put Karen inside it so he'd have a familiar voice to guide him.

Getting the pym particles was easy, surprisingly. He just told Scott he needed them for a school project and boom! Everything he needed was ready.

Of course with Peter's luck, all the avengers were at the tower that day. They visited often, seeing as they could only hold each other up with coping with Tony's death. It... helped.

Though, he'd never seen Rhodey and Pepper like this before. The two of them looked tired to say in the least. Dark circles were noticeable under their eyes. Pepper managed to hide it from Morgan, always putting on a happy face on and tell her everything would be ok. He'd never seen Rhodey cry before the funeral. They were almost... broken.

But that would end today. Peter was going to fix this. If he did better- if he was better- Tony would still be alive. He was going to be better.

"Pete, where are you going kid," Bruce asked.

"Oh I- I'm gonna.. I'm going to bed. I'm just- you know... really tired." He offered a small smile. God, he really was tired. When was the last time he'd gotten a full night of sleep?

"Ok kiddo.. Night." As Peter walked off, he heard the others whispering their worries about him.

Sighing, Peter slipped on his suit and fiddled with his watch.

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