I hate it here

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—Get your shit together, dear—
Y/n POV:
‼️TW abuse you've been warned before but I don't want to upset anyone‼️

I woke up late so my day was going quickly. Honestly Saturdays always went quickly for me. It was already four pm and my brother Kobi I had just layed down for a nap. My step dad was still passed out drunk. My mom wasn't home as usual. I couldn't get the texts from this morning out of my head. Honestly I was kind of scared, about how that person knew those things.

I heared my step dad waking up because I could hear him yelling in anger. I was so sick of his shit. I looked over at my phone and saw no new messages so I just looked back at my book. I heared banging coming up the stairs and the next thing I knew my door slammed open.

"Have you just wwwwokennn up?" My step dad slurred.

"No ive been awake for a while now." I said calmly trying hard to not piss him off.

"Oh ok." He said starting to leave the room but then he turned back around. "Can you go to the store for me and pick up some cigarets?" He asked me calmly. I was scared to answer.

"I'm not of age. I'm only 15." I told him he looked at me and glared then walked close to my bed where I was sitting.

"Ugh! You so FUCKING lazy!" He emphasized the word fucking.

"I'm sorry but the law is eighte-" he slapped my cheek hard causing me not to finish. I could feel the red mark from his hand forming. I emediatly grabbed my cheek and felt tears fighting there way down my cheeks.

"I don't want excuses!" He screamed! "When your mother gets home I don't want her to know about this!" He yelled at me again. "Do you understand?" He lowered his voice. I started at him. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" He screamed at me causing his spit to go all over my room. I was so scared I couldn't move. He slapped me harder this time. I could feel the tears now they were out and flowing down my face like a river.

"Yes. I-I u-under s-sta-and." I stuttered. The tears were all over my face and my face was bright red from crying and from my step dads hand. He nodded then walks out of my bedroom. I started crying harder than before.

A/n: sorry if this was triggering, this is an important part of the plot tho.

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