Part 2 Chapter 4

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It had been about 13 years since Amadea finished secondary  school and she had finally achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.

She had gotten her bachelor's degree from the M&M University, attended 4 years of Med school and completed her residency.

She had just gotten her license and was about ready to start working.

The hospital she did her residency in had decided to retain her and she officially began work as an OB/GYN on Monday. She was so excited.

Life has been good to her. She was now an Aunt to two adorable 9 year olds- Mel and Mil, Mina's children.

Baba was doing fine. He got the occasional illness that came with old age but other than that he was fine.

The only thing that still saddened her was that she had lost contact with Remi.

The last she heard of him from Mina who was still in touch with Humi was that he was now married with two kids.
She knew he would be a good father but she just couldn't imagine him with kids.

When she thinks of him she still sees the teenager that was her best friend.
Of course she knows he's older now. He should be about 31 years old now just like her.

It's been 19 years since she ran away from home.
19 years since she last saw her parents.
19 years since her life took a total turnaround.

She wouldn't say that she misses her parents, but she wished they were at least able to see her now and be proud of how far she'd come.

She dismissed the thought with a shake of her head.

Her dad wouldn't be proud. He'd probably chastise Baba for  "wasting" money on her education.

He'd always believed that education was for males only.
That women were supposed to be full-time housewives and apparently a punching bag for their husbands.

She decided to be an OB/GYN because has she'd grown older and more knowledgeable,
she'd finally understood what was wrong with the women back home who were always ostracized and ridiculed due to the continual and uncontrollable  discharge of urine from their vagina and the odor that they always seemed to emit.

It was VVF. It was also caused by the same traditions of the people of Mhilia. She was determined to go back to her village to create awareness but she wasn't ready to face her parents.

When she  finished secondary school, Baba decided to travel to Mhilia to tell her parents that she was well and was leaving with him.

She didn't go with him because she was scared that her parents would not allow her come back with him.
  Turns out, her father had already disowned her and her mother supported his decision saying that Amadea had brought shame to her family.

Amadea could feel her eyes burn as she tried to hold back the tears. Thinking about her parents always caused her some form of distress.

She strengthened her resolve. Someday she'd go back home but that day wasn't in the near future.

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