chapter 16

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I haven't left my room in days. Ginny has tried to talk to me, but I just stay curled up in bed staring at the wall. I haven't been able to eat or sleep. I feel numb. I have a million questions running through my mind and no one to give me answers. I can't write to Lupin because if word gets out I am his daughter I will have a giant target on my back.

I'm not even a pureblood witch. Not that I have anything against people who aren't purebloods, but I've grown up my whole life thinking I had pureblood running through my veins. My God. Do I have werewolf blood? I have no idea how that works. Lupin has been a werewolf since he was a child, so I have to have some in me too. If I have to start drinking elixir before every full moon, I will lose it.

When were my mum and Lupin even together? It had to be before he met Nymphadora. Does anyone else know? If Snape knows then Lupin and my mum obviously know too. Does my father know? Well, the one who raised me. Is this why my mum hates me? Why hasn't Lupin said anything to me after all these years of practically being my father and he just failed to mention he was actually my father?

I throw my pillow over my face and scream into it.

"Liv, please talk to me," says Ginny. I forgot she was even in the room. I sit up and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look like death. My curls are in a tangled mess on top of my head. My eyes are extremely red and puffy. I am paler then usual. I sit cross legged and turn to face Ginny who is sitting on her bed.

"I-," I start to talk, but my voice comes out all weird. Probably due to the fact that I haven't spoken in days. "I found out something," I finally manage to get out. She looks at me with true concern all over her face.

"What is it? You know you can tell me. I'm not mad anymore about what happened before, so please talk to me. I've never seen you like this." I let out a big sigh.

"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to say," she nods. "I'm serious Gin, it could get people killed," I say sternly.

"Okay, I swear."

"I know why I am in Gryffindor," I pause and try to swallow the lump in my throat. "I'm not a Greene, I'm a-a Lupin." This is the first time I've said it out loud and it makes me feel sick, but oddly proud.

"A Lupin?" She looks at me confused, then it hits her. "Remus Lupin is your dad?" Her mouth drops open. "How is that even possible?" She asks me all the questions I wish I had answers to. I explain to her what happened in Dumbledore's office with the sorting hat and how Snape already knew. When I finish explaining everything I feel relieved that I'm not the only one who knows anymore.

"So what do you think?" I ask her when I finish. She is now sitting next to me on my bed holding one of my hands.

"I have a million questions, well I know you do too. Do you think Lupin knows?"

"He has to know if Snape does right?" She bites her lower lip, something she does when she is thinking.

"Not necessarily," suddenly I remember something from my last conversation with Lupin and cut Ginny off mid sentence.

"He does know," I whisper.

"Wait, how do you know?"

"When he was here he said something to me in our last conversation. He said my parents would use us against each other if they knew how close we really were. My parents don't even know how much Lupin has been in my life. They probably threatened him to stay away." So much is starting to make sense from my life. It is overwhelming.

"That makes sense. I wonder if this means you have uhm werewolf blood," says Ginny carefully.

"I've already had the same thought. It is something Hermione would know the answer to, I wish she was here," I smile sadly and Ginny squeezes my hand.

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