People I Love

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Brielle POV

Once we hid the limo we started our walk to some hideout Carlos and Jay wanted to stop by first. I put my arms through the sleeves of Harry's jacket now, it was pretty cold here and honestly having the bandanna over my face was really helping keep me warm. My legs got the brunt of the cold, but we were on the move so I was able to fight off the frigid temperatures.

It was almost pitch black everywhere we went, night of course had fallen and not even a drop of light could make its way through the dense fog and smog in the air. There were still people out and about, most of which I could tell were drunk out of their minds.

"You okay?"

Carlos said as he nudged me with his elbow. I didn't look over to him, simply kept my gaze alert and looking ahead and to my sides, occasionally glancing behind us to make sure we weren't being followed,


I hummed, to be honest I was too busy creating a finalized plan to be concerned with how I worded things. Not to mention how my eyes casually darted around everywhere, the conditions here are horrid. I knew my mom was a little on the old-fashioned side and stayed out of most affairs when it came to how to rule so my father was the only one with knowledge of this, and yet he still let this happen. Everything was dirty, from the air quality to the streets themselves. There was trash thrown about, fights happening around some of the corners, people sleeping against walls on the streets, I couldn't help but feel terrible.

If the Isle were to exist, we at least have to make conditions here better. I'll most certainly be talking to Ben about that once this was over.

As we walked on I received plenty of catcalls, something that no one dares to do in Auradon. But then again, my identity is masked, everyone still awake at this hour that we passed by was drunk, and its the Isle what do you expect? As I see everything first hand, I really do realize how the VKs had to live. I felt terrible that anyone has to live like this, but I couldn't help but feel horrible that these amazing people that are all rather close friends of mine had to, and then I just felt worse that Harry had too,

"Hey babe"

A random voice called out, I rolled my eyes for the fiftieth time. Catcalling is just... annoying, blatantly annoying. Jay and Carlos in unison looked in the direction of the catcaller, apparently they knew him because they actually talked back instead of glaring,

"Oh shut up Anthony"

Jay said with gritted teeth and an annoyed tone. The boy paused and slowly stood from the wall he was sitting against,

"Jay? Carlos? What the fuck? Well... this was a surprise, uh anyway thanks for bringing the new babes back from Auradon I presume"

He was a tallish boy, I say tallish because Harry's taller. He had dark hair that swooped in front of his face, but I had no interest in analyzing him further than that. Carlos stepped in front of me to shield me from the boy's view,

"Dude when do you give it up? She's not interested"

"Well she's also not saying anything so, you talking for her? She mute or something?"

I sighed and shoved Carlos out of the way, I last second decided to further hide my identity and also be a bit of a show-off,

"Oh I can talk just fine smart ass, I simply choose not ta waste my breath talking ta... whoever ye are"

Yup, I've kinda been around Harry so much I've picked up his accent to a point. I glanced at Jay to see how I did at my try to be rude, he nodded some in approval with wide eyes at my accent change. The boy scoffed and held out his hand,

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