Chapter 10 - Mansion Worker

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(Y/n Pov)

Ugh... Where am I again? And where's Subaru and the others?

Looking around, I could only see an infinity space that was shining beautifully. There was a book in front of me. It was made out of gold, silver, and leather with a star-shaped jewel on it.

It was standing on a book stand that looked like it was made out of granite. I took a step, then another one, until I reached the book.

I couldn't lie. I was curious. Curious about where I am and why is there a book here in this place where I think no living beings can come.

Carefully, I touched the book as I could feel it's smoothness and how rich it felt. Slowly, I opened the book as I felt a surging pain in my head.

Information. That was what went through my brain. The book in front of me was called a Star Memory Book. It's a book that contains the memories of all the previous owners of something called Élan Vital.

Then, I suddenly remembered something. Didn't Elsa call me one, too? And since this book is only given to an Élan Vital, then... Does that mean I'm one too?

Just as I was thinking about all of this, I felt something was pulling me away from the place as I was dragged into a portal.


Opening my eyes, I saw a ceiling I've never seen before in my entire life. Carefully, I moved my upper-body up and saw an unknown room that looked like only rich people could afford.

Suddenly the door was opened as I stared at it. A blue-haired maid walked in with an expressionless face that changed into a surprise one when she saw me. She was holding a tray of foods that looked like it was to me.

Y/n: "Excuse me, how long have I been asleep?"

I asked her politely since I didn't know her. She stared at me for a while before moving the tray to a counter before she looked at me.

???: "You have been asleep for a day, sir."

A day, huh...

Y/n: "You don't have to call me 'sir,' just call me Y/n, and you are?"

Rem: "My name is Rem. And I'm afraid I can't do that, sir. Please wait here for a moment. I will get Emilia-sama."

Nodding at her comment, she left the room as I looked at the food tray beside me. There was only a bowl of hot soup, so I guess they decided to feed me with it if I were to be unconscious and can't eat anything.

Should I just eat it while waiting for her? I mean, it is for me, right? So there shouldn't be any problem, and my stomach is growling.

I moved my body to the side so I could be in a sitting position. Taking the metal spoon right beside the bowl, I filled it with the warm liquid before blowing it and put it in my mouth.


By the time Rem and the silver-haired girl came, I had already finished the bowl and patted my stomach with a satisfied expression.

Emilia: "Hello, I think we haven't introduced ourselves yet, but my name is Emilia. Just Emilia."

Y/n: "Oh, my name is L/n Y/n, but you can just call me Y/n. Is everyone alright?"

Emilia: "Don't worry. Everyone is safe."

Letting out a relieved sigh, I smiled and nodded. Both Rem and Emilia stared at my eyes for a while before both of them nodded to each other. What's going on?

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