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Dream sat up drowsily, looking beside him. No George He stretched out his stiff wings and stood up. He grabbed his mask and flattened out his ruffled hair. Yawning, the blonde wandered downstairs.

George and Sapnap were munching on something that smelled really good. Dream hovered before floating his way over to them. He leaned his head tiredly against George's shoulder.

" We used the rest of your bacon for breakfast. " Sapnap blurted, looking nervous. 

" We'll buy you more though, we promise. " George added with a guilty look. Dream shrugged and adjusted his smiley face mask.

" I don't care." He said honestly. " I'll just go steal some more from whatever that place was. " He added.

" No- No. We don't need you to have to pay a fine or something, we'll buy it. " Sapnap said hastily.

" Can I at least come with you then? " Dream requested, ears perked.

" I- Ugh. Fine. As long as you pray they don't notice you. You already stole from them earlier.  " Sapnap reminded while he shook his head.

" HUrRaY!!! " Cried Dream triumphantly as he threw his hands up in the air.

George chuckled at his childish behavior, smiling fondly.

Dream's hooves clacked against the ground again and he looked around.

" Dream. Your hair is a mess, Dream! " George said while rolling his eyes. He wandered off and grabbed a comb.

" AgH nO! Get that cursed thing away from me! " Yelped the imp, running away from the Brit.

" Dream! You need to comb your hair. "


Dream skid to a halt. He had reached the end of the hallway. He cowered as George turned the corner. He was trapped. His ears lowered and his tail lashed to and fro. 

" Ahah- No. " He backed up against the wall, glaring from under the mask.

" Ahah, yes. " George said as he attacked Dream.

The brunette tried to run the comb through the blonde hair, only for it to get snagged and refuse to untangle. Dream simply sat there with a pout.

" When was the last time you combed your hair!? " George asked in shock.

" Uhm... Never. It's almost impossible to comb through it. " The answer's tone was flat with mild annoyance.

" Hey, Sapnap! Do you have a detangler spray? " Shouted George.

" Yeah! Hold on I'll go grab it! " Responded a faint voice from downstairs.

Sapnap came up minutes later and Dream visibly flinched anxiously as George sprayed it into his hair.

" Chill out. It's not gonna hurt you. " The angel laughed. Dream just stubbornly stayed silent, feeling rather humiliated.

George had actually managed to comb through the mess of blonde hair, though it took a while.  It was now absolutely soaked in detangler.

" Now my hair is all wet. " Dream whined.

" Hush. Let's try not to let it get that bad next time, yeah? " George huffed.

Dream shrugged. " I'm hungry. " He complained.

" We'll go out and get you food. " George said while he hid his wings and halo.

The two walked back downstairs, met by Sapnap, who was on the couch scrolling through Twitter.

" Are you ready to go feed the imp? " Asked George, laughing when Dream elbowed him rather harshly.

" You make me sound helpless." Dream huffed. 

Sapnap shrugged and stood up, the group walked out the door. Dream tried his hardest to keep his ears from appearing, they would have been perked with excitement.

They walked into the familiar building and led Dream back to the same, freezing aisle. He immediately snatched up a pack of bacon and some steak before calling it a day. George dragged him to the counter and paid for the food and they left.

Dream took another slice of bacon, munching on it happily as they walked. Sapnap was visibly cringing and George looked unbothered.

" You're going to get some weird looks if people walk by. " Sighed Sapnap.

" Do you think I care? " Dream said while rolling his eyes.

" Fair enough. " conceded Sapnap as he unlocked the door and let the other two in.

Dream ate half the package before George forced him to put it away. Though, the imp wouldn't stop whining and complaining afterwards.

" Would you shut up already? " Groaned Sapnap as he listened to Dream's millionth protest.

Dream finally quieted down and turned his attention to the TV. Funnily enough, there was a movie about hell and heaven playing. Hell was blindingly bright with fire in it and he frowned.

" That's not what it looks like. " He remarked.

" What? " Sapnap turned to him and George nodded in agreement.

" It's so... Bright! In reality, Hell is rather bleak. It looks like a rundown, unkempt town. " He explained, the thought made him home sick. 

" Yeah and Heaven is layered! " Added George. " You can walk from cloud to cloud and get closer to Earth. There's actually a border where Hell and Heaven meet. That's how we met. " The brunet smiled fondly at the memory, Dream was doing the same.

Dream rested his head on George's shoulder. " And then Tommy and Wilbur had to ruin all the fun. " He ranted.

George shrugged carefully. " Yeah. It sucked. We had fallen asleep. " He frowned, Sapnap looked confused, albeit he was listening.

" I don't get what's so bad about a resident of Hell and a resident from Heaven getting along. You'd think it would be possible to bring peace. " Dream hummed.

Sapnap shrugged. " Sounds eventful I guess. Also very complex and way too confusing.  "

The two chuckled. " For sure. " They both answered. 

Yullo another chapter.

Suggestions, critiques, tips?

I don't know if I can get a chapter out tomorrow since it's my grandmother's birthday. I'll do my best though!

Moony <3

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