The day of your parents visit!!!

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Request for Hannahanna21 hardywoman99 AmberBatterton
nailsnailsnails Cep1201

Two weekends later you got both Jaxon and Marisol at the clubhouse with Angel, your parents should be heading this way later on today, you went to the gym early this morning did your workout now you seating outside the clubhouse with Jaxon and Marisol In their car seats and Angel seating next to you at the table, EZ went to pops store and got lunch for you three and should be back in a couple minutes with your guys lunch, Angel and you talk until EZ return back with lunch. The kids are playing with their toys as Tiò EZ comes back.

Your parents are coming but they aren't coming alone Savannah is coming too with Happy, EZ joins you at the table and you three eat lunch together, then he asks you about Savannah and how far along she is as you look at EZ "she is 6 months my mom ...

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Your parents are coming but they aren't coming alone Savannah is coming too with Happy, EZ joins you at the table and you three eat lunch together, then he asks you about Savannah and how far along she is as you look at EZ "she is 6 months my mom with a little girl, they are going to do a DNA test when it's born to see if it's happy's or juicy, im kinda of hoping it's happy's because juice is just an adult child himself at least happy will take care of her and the baby the best he can with the help of my parents, she should be alright" as EZ smiles "Did you know happy was the one who killed our mom? As you look at him then Angel as Angel nods his head "it's the truth Happy told us a couple months before your family moved here, we have no beef with him now he was just following a order mom wasn't the original Target pops was because of his past" as you look at him and Ez "so Savannah's daughters dad may be a Puerto Rican Man Baby or is a Mexican Killer, she knows how to pick them, with EZ it was self defense, but I'm wondering since all the Samco and Mayans have been in Jail why did you go Angel and for how long? As EZ laughs and Angel smiles "18 months in Chino for murder, the MC does bad things to bad people just like Samco does" as you look at him and you see something you have never saw on Angel's face regard as you nod your head at him as Gilly comes out of the clubhouse "oh little mamá is here with Jaxon and Marisol" as he walks over and bends down and kisses your cheek lightly before going to grab both Jaxon and Marisol from the car seats "hi bebes it's your Tiò Gilly, let me show you two around the yard" as he carry's them both off leaving you alone with both EZ and Angel as EZ looks down at his watch, "I got to go get Letty for coco from school I'll be back in a little bit, can I take your car Shasta? As you nod your head and tell your keys are in the car you need your bag and the babies bags until he returns with the car. Then you and the babies can head home and wait for your parents to arrives for the weekend, EZ is staying at camper this weekend.

He has been staying In one of the guest rooms at the house but since your parents are coming this weekend he will stay at the camper in the yard at the clubhouse, your house with Angel is a four bedroom 2 bathroom house when both Jaxon and Marisol get older the two guest rooms will be turn into their rooms and their nursery will be the guest room for EZ lol if you and Angel decided you have more kids down the road you two will have to do it after you two can find a bigger house close to Pops house and the clubhouse and sell this one to pay for the new one or at least a down payment right, because a bigger house will cause money more but that is down the road if you two decide to add more kids besides Jaxon and Marisol. As Gilly brings both Jaxon and Marisol back "tiò Riz is coming back from new Mexico babes he is going to be super excited to see you too here when he pulls up in the yard, 5 long days in new Mexico City with Tiò Hank has had him pulling at his hair and you two will learn Tiò Riz loves his hair just like Tiò Coco it's like their kryptonite, your papà kryptonite is you two and mamà it has been since your mamà walked into the office what almost two years ago you two ? As Angel looks at you then Gilly "yep two years in less then 3 months, i feel head over heels for mamá the moment I saw her, my eyes didn't leave her the whole time" as you look at him and smile at him "Papà was where this black and red flannel shirt and his hair was brushed back his beard was trim that flannel was rolled up to his biceps and oh boy Papà had some muscles back then" as Angel smirks and laughs "still do mamà they are just baby muscles now because of this two" as he grabs both Jaxon and Marisol from Gilly "mamá likes Papà muscles especially when I picked her at pops house our first Sunday dinner, I was showing off but she dig it" as Gilly laughs "mamá beat your papà in cards that night too, he said if he had to lose to anyone it would be her and it was, I think he has only even lose to your mamà and Tiò Bishop" as Angel has both Jaxon and Marisol in his arms as you giggle "Papà and you two are mamà's favorite people in the world, mamá is lucky to be able to call you two beautiful babies hers and Papà hers too" as Angel smiles at you "nah mamá we are lucky to call you mamá" as he hands you Jaxon and he holds Marisol as he joins you two back at the table. You four with Gilly wait for Riz, Hank to return home from new Mexico and EZ to come back with Letty and your car so you can go home and get ready for your parents visit later on tonight.

To be continued in a couple days next one will be your parents arrive but they aren't alone!!!!

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