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Dipper POV

It had only been a few days since they found me at the gas station but they must have over planned this next step because my stuff was packed and my ass was on the next bus out of town, with both Mabel and Stan. Ford stayed in town to "Hunt down the monster that kidnapped me."

So great. Honestly the worst part about all this was leaving Bill, I didn't even have his journal with me to read.

We made it home in less than 3 hours, for the enter 2 hours and 36 minutes I was stuck in the back row pinned between my sister and the window, Stan sat in the sets across from us.

I was ready to bang my head on the wall.

2 hours and 36 minutes of dead silence made me want to scream till my vocal cords rubbed raw and my lungs emptied of air, I wanted to scream so loud I burst my own eardrums just so I wouldn't have to hear the speech Ford gave me when he caught me, or the deep sighs Mabel keeps taking every time she looked over at me.

Mabel had gathered some of my things from the shack as my grunkles locked me in the basement till the bus had arrived, when it did she had a strong hold on to a large bag that she wasn't allowed to give me till we made it home.

Basically anything that could entertain me over the bus ride was out of my reach. Which made it even worse.

When we made it back I practically clawed my way out of the bus. Stan and Mabel lead me back to our house. Our parents moved out and rented our childhood home to us, they didn't want the space anymore and we both wanted it.

Stan opened the door for us and closed it behind me. Like he thought I would run back to Gravity Falls. I can't say the thought didn't cross my mind on the bus.

Mabel dropped my bag on the couch and I practically lunged for it, to see what she brought me. What had she picked out of my things to bring home.

A few of my books and a few, now broken, unfinished projects I started while under house arrest.

"Dipper, I-" Mabel started but the pent up building rage that's been festering for the last 2 hours and 36 minutes interrupted her.

"Mabel I don't Care! I don't want to hear you excuses! What were you worried about me??! That's total Bull! If, IF you cared you wouldn't have told them anything. I know the gas station wasn't ideal but it was better than this!!" I shouted, my mouth feeling sour from the long silent ride.

She took a step back and studied the hardwood beneath her feet like she'd never seen it before.

"Dipper." It was Stan's turn to lecture me. Oh goodie. "How was the gas station better than this?" He asked, though I couldn't tell if he really wanted an answer.

Hell I was too pissed to care, "You wanna know How?!! How being left alone with my own freedom is better than being stuffed in a bus and sent home!?! Without even packing my things, Oh! Oh! And lets not even talk about the night I just spent in the basement being scrutinized by Ford! Or the fact that No one will listen to me anymore because I'm some how curse or some stupid shit!! Treating me like a child!! I can handle myself, God or no God!" before either of them could respond I gripped the strap of the bag and stomped up stairs to my room.

My desk was covered in notes from the first journal. These were different then my description notes I kept in the actual pages of the book. I had it for so long I basically started my own journal just to discuss his writing to myself. I sat down at the table and flicted on my desk lamp. Turning to an empty page of the journal I wrote.

"The real Author"

Then I wrote about Bill, about meeting him, about the powers of his I had seen, I wrote about the times he came to see me in lock down, about running away with him, and about living with him.

But the time Mabel knocked on my door calling for dinner I had written over 10 pages full of just Bill.

I ignored her, I wasn't hungry and I really didn't want to eat with them.

So instead I unpacked the few things I had, one of the only good parts about being home was I had all my books here, I may not have the journals but I do have all my things. Unlike lock down at my grunkles in which I only had the few things I had brought with me for the summer, this is where I live all my stuff is here.

It may not be that bad to be back. I know that sooner or later, Stan will go back to Gravity Falls, Mabel would go back to work, and I would go back to school. The world would go back to how it was before the summer started.

Even as I came to terms with this my chest squeezed, because if the world went back to normal, like the summer never happened. Well then, I would never see Bill Cipher again.

Bill POV

He wasn't in Gravity Falls anymore.

They took him away from me.


Again the awful humans of this god awful town have taken away the one good thing that came from these humans invasion.

To say I went bat shit, would be putting it lightly.

More like, ripped the town out of the ground and threw into the sky so no one could leave, or run from my family which I turned loose on said floating town. I lit the shack on fire, and pinned each and every one of those humans who came hunting for Pinetree to my wall. The rest of the town was now hiding under rocks somewhere scared of us. Now don't worry, those humans I have pinned up like game are still alive. I wouldn't call them unharmed or anything. But alive. They wanted to make me out as the monster here, well fine, that's what they get.

I needed them breathing because I needed them to tell me where they took Pinetree. Of course most of them claimed to not know, how they left the hunt after they got a letter from Pintree saying he was ok. They were disposable, not even worth keeping as trophs. So I let them go. Go to join the other cowering townspeople.

I kept only three.

Pinetree's Grunkle of course well at least the one I could find, pretty sure the other and his sister are with him, wherever he is. The man who had the letter in the first place and who knew where he was the first time, the redhead who told me he was missing. Tho I didn't keep her on the wall, far as I could tell she's on my side of this thing.

I still kept her close however, one one is doing shit till Pinetree is returned to Gravity Falls.


It's October and I'm feeling gory.

Spooky Scary Skeletons. 

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