Chapter 4

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Fleur you done packing?" Aurélie asked poking her head into Fleur's room.

"Yes, I already sent my trunk down"

"Get a move on! Madame Maxime wants us all down in fifteen minutes! Amy and Caroline are already there"

"I'm on my way" Fleur said smiling slightly at the irritated look her friend was giving her.

"If you're not down in another five minutes I'm coming back and dragging you down with me even if I have to stun you" She grumbled. Fleur nodded and proceeded to make a final sweep around her room to make sure she had got everything. In Beauxbatons, everyone had their own personal rooms. One dormitory for the boys and one for the girls. She sat back down on her warm bed. Since she was going to be spending her final year at Hogwarts it was the last time that her door will hold the engraving 'Fleur Delacour' and the thought of it made her heart heavy with sadness.

Throughout her years in school her room was her only sanctuary where she was free from the lust filled looks of men and the death glares of women. It was in this same room that she spent most of her first year with tears sliding down her cheeks. It was into this same room that Aurélie had burst into to hide from a group of boys that had been trying to spike her drinks with love potions and led to her making her first friend. When they had realized how similar their situations were, they had become inseparable friends from that day onwards. With the company of her first friend she became a lot more open and relaxed which led to her finding two more close friends and by the end of the year the four of them were as close as friends could get. She sighed as she surveyed the room that had given her so many happy memories and a safe haven.

Her room now held no clue that she ever lived here. The wardrobes were empty, the photos of her family were gone, her bookshelf had been emptied and her table was polished and gleaming. She picked up her wand and stepped outside and closed the door. With a final wave of her wand her name faded away from the door. She felt a stab of pain in her heart but almost as soon as it had come it faded away, ridding her of her negative emotions. Her hand unconsciously went to her chest where she felt warmth radiating towards her fingers. After making sure her necklace was secure around her neck she started making her way downstairs remembering the words her grandmother had said to her.

On the night when they had gone to her grandmother's house where she lived alone except the house elves for company in spite of her family's protests. Fleur's mother had been almost ecstatic when she had asked Fleur to show her necklace to her grandmother. When she had obliged Alana had stared at it for a full minute before breaking down laughing, then pulling Fleur into a tight embrace and pulled away murmuring "Good luck". Fleur and Gabrielle had been utterly bewildered by their parents and Alana's behavior and didn't know what to expect. Alana then asked who it was that sent it, and when she had heard it was Harry Potter she looked almost, pleased before her face twisted into what can only be described as the most evil grin they had ever seen on their grandmother's face yet. Once they finished their dinner Alana had pulled Fleur aside and after making Fleur swear she would not question the reasoning behind her words, she had said something that had left Fleur more confused than ever.

"When the time comes, do what your heart tells you to" Alana had refused to explain any further than that, promising that it would make sense eventually.

Fleur was at the courtyard in front of Beauxbatons now. The whole school had formed outside to see the selected few, around twenty students in all, off. Four mighty Abraxan horses were chained to the powder blue carriage pawing at the ground with their powerful legs and lifting their wings every now and then. When everyone noticed her they broke into loud cheers and wolf whistles although more than once she picked up some vulgar words that were issuing from the male population in the crowd. Over the course of her school years Fleur had gained the respect and admiration from most of her peers. The girls who had been initially jealous of her came to understand her position, especially after certain nasty incidents involving some of the boys which resulted in their expulsion from school. Almost everyone sympathized with her and had come to like her as a friend, especially after Fleur had started opening up to them, although there were still others that were blinded by their envy. Madame Maxime and the rest of the selected representatives along with a few teachers were waiting for her and she had a bright smile on her face. She always held a soft spot for the young Veela. She herself being a half giant understood the pain of being different.

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