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"Mikhail, my boy, is that you?" the familiar face of the number 11 hero, Fenniksu, appeared in front of me as I entered the agency.

"Hi, Dad," I greeted Roan Lionel, my Dad, and number 11 hero—or the reason that I never spoke to him—who beamed at the sight of me, "it's been a while since we met face to face."

"You're taller now," Dad commented as he measured out the height difference, "you used to be at my waist and now you're at my jaw."

"It's normal to grow," I shrugged as I took my bags from one of Dad's sidekicks, Blaze, who gave me a swift greeting before rushing out of the agency, probably to help out on a scene.

It's awkward to talk to him. When was the last time I spoke to him on the phone? I can't remember.

"Of course, but you're a lot taller than I expected you to be," Dad said as he signed off a report and looked to me, "You're 15 now, right?"

"16," I quickly corrected.

Of course he doesn't know how old I am. He's never been the attentive type of Dad unless it was something to do with heroism. I don't mind, it's just a bit disappointing that something as simple as my age went forgotten.

"16... right," he nodded before sighing, "how does a movie tonight sound?"

"I have classes tomorrow, Dad," I told him, "plus I'm more of a book person rather than a movie person."

And I'm utterly exhausted.

"A-ah. I see," he nodded, seemingly trying to catch up with the information he was being given before sighing, "I've missed too much."

You have, was all I thought before sighing.

"But... it's not impossible to catch up," I told him before turning around, "I'll see you when you return home."

"Yeah, bye," he deflated in his seat as I left and began my walk home.

Home. It's been a while since I've been there. I wonder how much its changed...

The next day_

"Morning," I greeted my classmates with a small yawn, I got a few greetings back as I walked past people towards my desk. Once I'd taken my seat and stretched my tiredness out of myself, I pulled out my phone, smiling slightly as I read the terribly spelt message from my mother, my younger (half) sister obviously being the one who sent the message.

A small tap on my shoulder caught my attention and I turned to see Amajiki avoiding any sort of eye contact.

"M-morning," he greeted me. I was surprised that he initiated the greeting first but smiled at him nonetheless.

"Morning, Amajiki, how was your evening?" I asked. I wasn't really that curious, I just wanted to come off friendly, maybe it'll help him become a little less anxious around me?

"Q-quiet," he replied.

"Quiet?" I gave him a curious look but didn't push the topic, "well mine was incredibly uneventful. I got home, finished unpacking, had an awkward conversation with my Dad and then went to bed."

It was silent for a couple moments before I tucked my hands behind my head and leaned back onto my desk, shooting Amajiki a smile as I noticed him becoming stiffer and stiffer within our momentary silence.

"What do you think we'll be doing today?" I asked, breaking that awkward as hell silence that loomed over us. I noticed that the pointed eared boy seemed to relax a bit more now that there was a conversation going on.

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