Chapter 8: Firecaster

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Firecaster asked if Winter could go for a walk, they said he could, but he would have to be back within two hours.

"So, we can go for a walk as long as we're back in two hours." She said. She walked back to see Winter throwing up again.

She ran over to Winter's bed. She pet his back again, comforting him. "Maybe we should go for a walk later, I think you have fever." She put her talons on his forehead, he was burning up.

He looked at her in the eyes. She layed on the ground next to his bed. She knew he would have to take another shot later but she couldn't tell him, seeing how scared he was of needles.

He kept puking and Firecaster slipped away to get the needle. She found the medicine that she used on him earlier. She filled it up and imagine how Winter would react to how many shots he would have to get.

She was told that she would have to give the injection to Winter every hour. A rainwing healer said he would have to take the injection in his side, neck, chin, and tail, daily.

The healer said  an hour had passed.
Firecaster snuck back to Winter. First she nudged him with her wing. He looked over at her and saw the needle and froze again.

"So Winter, your supposed to have 4 shots daily, and I don't think you'll like where the next one should be." She said, nervously.

He put his talons over his neck and put his head down to his bed. He closed his eyes with fear. She put her talons under his chin.

"Hey, I want you to get better so we can hangout with you more, I care about you, Winter." Firecaster said, she looked into Winter's eyes. He moved his talons to meet her's.

"I just don't like needles, I'm worried what would happen if you become careless or don't pay attention or....." Firecaster cut him by kissing him.

"I would never become careless when it comes to taking care of you and other dragons." Firecaster said. She switched talons to inject the medicine.
She kissed him again and injected the medicine in his neck.

She pulled the needle out and put it on a tray nearby. She got on the bed with Winter and started to snuggle with him.

"Okay, give me the shot." Winter said. They fit perfectly together, Firecaster didn't want anything to ruin her time with Winter. "I already did, when we were kissing." She said.

"Well, I guess that I shouldn't worry about shots anymore." He said, putting a wing over her. She pulled Winter in closer and they fall happily asleep, with all their worries fading away.

Firecaster x Winter (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now