Chapter 42 The Break

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Little fun fact, this is the original song that Zane has for his funny switch.

Shaking head as I walk down the steps. My hands in chains behind my back, my friends beside me in the chains. All of the elemental masters, except Skylor and Lloyd were joining us. Skylor was the traitor, she always has been. Kai announced it to me after I woke up from Chen knocking me out.

I hate him so much for doing that, my head feels like pounding. I just want to lay down in a quiet space and let this leave. But the chains and Jay's humming is very annoying.

"Can you be quiet!?" Kai asks what I was feeling.

"Please, my head is pounding," I beg as I watched my feet step.

"No, I am thinking positive. It is the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will swoop down and save all of," states Jay, continuing humming away.

We stopped at the end of the steps. We were in the same place we saw Chen take Karlof's elemental powers, two stone serpentines above my head. "Knock 'em down."

Kicking us down to our knees, I rose my head to see all to Chen using Gravity to float round in his chair. He was smiling well he was talking, so happy with what he has been doing. Stealing the elemental's powers of everyone here for his own satisfaction.

"Well, you all know what I'm going to do," he says clapping his hands together, his eyes scanning all of us.

"You are not going to take our elemental powers! Lloyd will come and save us," shouts Jay, shaking the chains a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. He will down and save you and teach me a valuable lesson. I'll wait," he hops on to his chair. "I love lessons."

A few seconds passed before he wined. He jumps off and holds his staff out to us. I rose to my feet as my power began to escape my body. It hurt so much as my elemental power was being taken away from me.

My body dropped to the ground beside my friends. Slowly, I rose myself up to look around. Everyone was as weak from their power taken away.

"Lloyd, he didn't come..."

Looking around the room, I saw no sign of a green ninja. 'No, I guess he didn't...'

"Lloyd will be here one day," I whisper to Jay, with a smile. Though my eyes were sad.

Holding my hands out to one of the cultists, they unlock my cuffs. Taking them into their hand and pointing me off to the machines. "Go make noodles!"

"No, you go make my food," I mock their voice waving my hands at them.

A loud growl comes from him, raising his fist. All I did was put my hands up and walked away. 'And this is why I can't go to prison.'

Making my way over to Jay, who was talking to some people. I dropped my hands to my side, slouching my shoulders. I did not want to help Chen at all with noodles, I rather beat him up.

"Jay, do you know if we can eat these noodles?" I ask, pointing at the noodles moving down the conveyor belt.

"No, we can't eat these, Y/n."

His voice, a voice I never thought I'd hear again. My head whipping to over to where his voice came from. He stood next to Cole, who were both presumed off the island. He is shiny silver and new self-standing before me.

I couldn't help but embrace him. After thinking he was dead. It's like seeing him and that never happened. Like watching his death was never real.

"I thought they lied to me about you," I state, pulling in the thin man closer.

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